Commentary: States Can Spark National Reform with an Article V Convention
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Article V of the Constitution provides two methods of amendment. -
Liberal Party Unexpectedly Wins Australian Elections Focused on Climate Change
Opinion -environment-climate-news -In an election focused on climate change, a coalition of two of Australia’s right-of-center parties unexpectedly won the national election, emerging with more seats in Parliament than they had before the elections. -
Climate Science Poll Made of Opinions
Opinion -Editorial -A new study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) says by 2100 melting ice sheets will create up to 7.5 feet of sea-level rise (SLR), inundating many coastal communities. -
Opportunity Scholarships Act Would Have Helped Thousands Of Nebraska Students
Opinion -Editorial -When it comes to parental choice in education, Nebraska is a 77,000-square-mile desert. -
Trump’s Climate Modeling Reform Scorches His Critics
Opinion -Editorial -In an effort to improve the science used by regulatory agencies, the Trump administration has made, and is still making, adjustments in the way the EPA works. -
F.A. Hayek on Individual Liberty
Opinion -Editorial -The rebirth of a belief in and an enthusiasm for socialism and government planning among a noticeable number of people, and elected officials raises many of the fundamental issues surrounding freedom. -
For Bee Alarmists, Groundhog Day Comes in June
Opinion -Editorial -For bee alarmists, Groundhog Day comes in June -
The Janus Decision and Teacher Freedom: One Year Later
Opinion -Editorial -What has happened, what hasn’t happened, and why. -
Federal Court Will Hear Challenge to Constitutionality of Obamacare
Opinion -budget-tax-news -The U.S. Supreme Court found the ACA, known as Obamacare, was constitutional under Congress’ taxing power. -
New Nevada Law Mandates Costly 100 Percent Carbon-Dioxide-Free Electricity
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak signed a bill requiring 50 percent of the electricity utilities in the state provide come from renewable resources by 2030. -
When It Comes to Government, Bigger Is Not Better
Opinion -Editorial -After more than two centuries of (somewhat) limited government in the United States, is the tide turning against individual freedom and state sovereignty in favor of an empowered collective and unfettered federal power? -
Florida Legislature Fails to Pass Bill to Deregulate Occupational Licensing
Opinion -budget-tax-news -Gov. Ron DeSantis has made occupational licensing reform a focus of his legislative agenda. -
U.S. Department of Education Proposes Ending Ban on Religious Contractors
Opinion -school-reform-news, budget-tax-news -In its 2017 Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer decision, the U.S. Supreme Court held religiously affiliated schools cannot be excluded from programs available to other private entities. -
- Government & Politics
- Environment & Energy
- Government & Liberty
- Education
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- Government Spending
- Economy
Heartland Weekly – Oregon Senate Republicans Strike Back
Opinion -heartland-weekly, Editorial -Week of July 24, 2019 -
House Moves to Block President from Leaving Paris Climate Agreement
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to block President Donald Trump’s decision to take the United States out of the Paris climate agreement. -
North Carolina Lawmakers Continue to Disagree on Medicaid Expansion
Opinion -health-care-news, News -Plans to expand Medicaid coverage to hundreds of thousands of additional North Carolina residents remain in limbo, with lawmakers arguing over how to pay for the program and whether the expansion should include a work requirement. -
Finding Best Doctors Is Not Easy When Government Interferes
Opinion -health-care-news, News -Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives have put aside grandiose thoughts of Medicare for All and single-payer health insurance—at least for a day or two. -
The Misleading Conclusions from the 4th National Climate Assessment
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Despite all the doomsday descriptions, the projected costs of climate change found in Volume 2 of the Fourth National Climate Assessment are actually paltry in the big picture of things. -
Public Is Highly Worried About Health Care Costs, Poll Finds
Opinion -health-care-news, News -One in four Americans either skipped health care treatment in the last 12 months or borrowed money to pay for it, a national survey by West Health Policy Center and Gallup finds. -
Illinois Considers Creating Board to Reject Insurance Price Increases
Opinion -health-care-news, News -The Illinois House passed a bill that would authorize the state’s Department of Insurance to reject health insurance price increases it deems unreasonable. -
Medicare for All Will Mean Waiting Lines, Rationing, Worse Care
Opinion -health-care-news, News -There is no question that many millions of Americans are frustrated with our current health care system. -
CMS Allows Medicare Advantage Plans to Expand
Opinion -health-care-news, News -A new rule announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will allow providers of Medicare Advantage plans to expand the kinds of benefits they offer so they can compete more with each other and attract more participants overall. -
Opposition Tactics, Protests, Stop Oregon Climate Bill … for Now
Opinion -Editorial, Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #328 -
Oregon Senate Republicans Fought The Law—And The Public, Not The Law, Won
Opinion -Editorial -In a small victory (for sanity) in the ongoing climate wars, Oregon Senate President Peter Courtney (D-Salem) admitted defeat in his and Gov. Kate Brown’s attempt to force unwilling Republicans to vote on a controversial cap-and-trade bill.