
  • Popular Parks Can and Should Pay Their Way, Study Says

    Published August 1, 1997
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    It is no secret that many of America's beloved national parks are in an appalling state of disrepair, served by deteriorating roads and crumbling facilities.
  • Are Roaches Top Cause of Asthma?

    Published August 1, 1997
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    Announcing his support for EPA's new standards for particulate matter (PM) and ground-level ozone, President Clinton boasted that the regulations would benefit children.
  • Scientist: EPA’s New Air Quality Standards May be Harmful to Health

    Published August 1, 1997
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    With EPA ready to implement its stringent new air quality standards, a leading scientist has warned that the agency's regulation for particulate matter (PM) is not only premature, but may even be harmful to public health because the scientific
  • Air Pollution and SIDS

    Published August 1, 1997
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    A new study issued by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concludes that air pollution causes SIDS and other post-neonatal mortality.
  • 08/1997 News Briefs

    Published August 1, 1997
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    American Land Sovereignty Act (HR-901) Congressman Don Young's (R-Alaska) bill to protect American public and private lands from jurisdictional encroachments by United Nations programs (such as Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage Sites) came out of
  • Scientific Basis of Global Warming Scare Crumbling, Experts Say

    Published August 1, 1997
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    With less than four months remaining before the nations of the world are scheduled to sign a landmark climate change protocol in Kyoto, Japan, the supposed "consensus" among scientists about the nature and seriousness of the problem is steadily eroding.
  • No Connection Between Global Warming and North Dakota Floods

    Published August 1, 1997
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    "While we cannot say with certainty that the flooding that is now occurring along the Red River signals the beginning of climate change, it is entirely consistent with the predicted effects.
  • New Hampshire Shows Way to Self-Sufficiency of Parks

    Published August 1, 1997
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    In yet another example of how Washington can learn from energetic, cost-conscious state governments, New Hampshire's state park system--24 natural areas, 12 historic sites, and 36 diverse recreation areas--is enjoying its seventh year of
  • Myths of Global Warming Cited as Kyoto Nears

    Published August 1, 1997
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    As the administration moves forward with plans to sign a treaty in December imposing legally binding, internationally enforceable limits on the production of greenhouse gases, questions continue to be raised as to whether such a far-reaching step is
  • Markets Better than Mandates at Determining Recycling Levels

    Published August 1, 1997
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    The popular debate over whether "trash is treasure" or "recycling is garbage" misses the point, according to a new study by the Reason Public Policy Institute.
  • Battle Over Air Quality Standards Enters New Arena

    Published August 1, 1997
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    On June 25, President Clinton announced his endorsement of EPA's controversial plans to tighten standards for particulate matter (PM) and ground-level ozone, moving the national debate over air quality regulation to a new arena: Congress and the
  • Global Climate Change Negotiations: A Lead Weight on Our Nation’s Future Economic Growth

    Published August 1, 1997
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    On July 15, 1997, Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska) addressed the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Conference on Global Climate Issues, held in Washington, D.C. What follows is an abbreviated version of his remarks.
  • A Canadian’s View of Global Warming

    Published July 28, 1997
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    Much of Canada is suffering the most miserable spring in years. Temperatures remain below normal. With a month to go till the summer solstice (or maximum sunshine per day), the Victoria Day holiday weekend high was a balmy five degrees.
  • Why Al Salvi Is Wrong About Guns

    Published July 18, 1997
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    Last October, The Heartland Institute presented its Heartland Liberty Prize to Al Salvi for his outstanding efforts to promote individual liberty. We were impressed by the young U.S.
  • Food Supply Up, Prices Fall

    Published July 1, 1997
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    Bumper crops in the United States, Canada, and even Latin America have sent 1997 world agricultural price levels back to where they were in 1995.
  • Environmental Regulations Can Be Made User Friendly

    Published July 1, 1997
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    Local land use and environmental regulations can be made much more user-friendly without sacrificing community objectives. Here are a few ways suggested by John L. Gann Jr.
  • Ethanol Tax Incentives Produce Little Environmental Benefit, GAO Reports

    Published July 1, 1997
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    A new report by the U.S. General Accounting Office finds that billions of dollars in subsidies and tax exemptions for alcohol fuels have failed either to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign sources of oil or to benefit the environment.
  • Alaska Health Dept. Challenges Jacobson PCB Findings

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The February 27, 1997 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine prints a letter from the Alaska Division of Public Health that casts new doubt on a study often cited by activists for tighter regulation of water quality. John P. Middaugh M.D.
  • Falling Cancer Rates Are Evidence that Synthetic Chemicals Pose No Threat to Public Health

    Published July 1, 1997
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    Dr. Bruce Ames and Dr. Lois Swirsky Gold, scientists with the National Institute of Environmental Health Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, came before the U.S.
  • Associated Press Article Links Chemicals to Early Puberty

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The Associated Press recently reported on a study alleging that American girls reach puberty earlier than commonly believed, with nearly half of black girls and 15 percent of white girls beginning to develop sexually by age 8.
  • The Dangerous Greening of American Foreign Policy

    Published July 1, 1997
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    Dr. Henry Miller was trained as a physician and molecular biologist.
  • PBS Program Examines Nuclear Power

    Published July 1, 1997
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    In April, the PBS broadcast an hour-long Frontline report titled “Nuclear Reaction.” Here are some of the points made during the program. The energy from nuclear power is in very concentrated form.
  • World Population Growth Slows

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The population explosion so many professional doomsayers confidently predicted only a few years ago appears to be little more than a fizzle. According to the United States Census Bureau, the world's population grew by only 79.6 million people in 1996.
  • Chemical Companies Set Ambitious Emissions Reduction Goals

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The United States chemical industry has undertaken an ambitious program designed to reduce emissions from large and small facilities alike.

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