Heartland Weekly: Free To Choose Medicine Offers Hope for Patients
Opinion -Editorial -Week of May 13, 2019 -
More Doctors Choosing Hospitals over Private Practices
Opinion -News -Physicians are increasingly leaving private practices to join hospital networks, states a new report from the Physicians Advocacy Institute. -
More States Consider Regulation to Curb Surprise Medical Bills
Opinion -News -Following Arizona’s lead, Georgia, Texas, and Washington State are considering bans or mandated arbitration and price transparency in response to consumer complaints about surprise medical bills from out-of-network providers. -
Oklahoma Seeks Medicaid Audit
Opinion -News -Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt requested an audit of the state’s Medicaid program to determine whether enrollees meet federal eligibility requirements. -
Generic Price Gouging Decision Upheld
Opinion -News -The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Maryland’s 2017 law that allowed the attorney general to review and regulate price increases of generic or off-patent drugs. -
Telemedicine Offers Remedy for Rising Travel and Wait Times
Opinion -News -Travel and wait times for health care cost patients $89 billion annually, according to an analysis by Altarum, giving new vigor to legislative arguments supporting telemedicine. -
Trump Administration Proposes Major Cuts in Federal Science Programs
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Setting up what is certain to be a bruising showdown with Congress over Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 spending, President Donald Trump’s budget proposal recommends significant funding reductions in science programs at a slew of federal agencies. -
Warming Temperature Measurements Polluted by Bad Data, Research Confirms
Opinion -Editorial, Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #323 -
Create Socialism Over One Product, Then We’ll Talk
Opinion -Editorial -That socialism as an idea could survive hundreds of years — even back to the ancient world — is a tribute to the capacity of the human mind to imagine it can create that which reality will forever decline to make possible. -
Should We Cap Credit Card Interest Rates at 15%?
Opinion -Editorial -Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez have proposed capping credit card interest rates at 15% -
All Socialisms Are Antisocial
Opinion -Editorial -Socialism is the antisocial system of politics over people, governmental power instead of peaceful and free association, and a handful of imposed political plans instead of a pluralism of as many plans as there are people in the world. -
National Association of Arrogant Calculating Phonies
Opinion -Editorial -Renegade locals fight California state NAACP and national board over anti-charter school stance. -
States Should Abandon CON Laws And Put Patients First
Opinion -Editorial -For decades, states have had certificate-of-need (CON) laws that require health care investors to get permission from an appointed board before they can expand, purchase a new device, or offer new medical technology. -
Do NASA’s Latest Figures Confirm Global Warming?
Opinion -Editorial -It appears that the authors of the Susskind et al. paper were motivated by timing and opportunity. It was crafted to advance an agenda, not climate science. -
Wisconsin Professor’s Anti-Fracking Agenda Exposed
Opinion -Editorial -A professor and group of student researchers at the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire claim they found elevated particulate levels associated with frac-sand mining. -
Colorado Adopts Strict Anti-Drilling Legislation
Opinion -environment-climate-news -Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed into law sweeping oil and gas legislation which that allows imposing greater restrictions on new oil and gas exploration in the state than a proposition voters rejected in a 2018 election referendum. -
Heartland Weekly – Do NASA’s Latest Figures Confirm Global Warming?
Opinion -Editorial -Week of May 6, 2019 -
Sorry Kids—The Next Energy Alternative Is Not Here Yet
Opinion -environment-climate-news -With present technology, renewable energy sources can’t replace energy from deep earth minerals and fuels. Global economies increase, not decrease, their use of fossil fuels each year. -
When Two Companies Control 90% Of The Market – It’s Not A Free Market
Opinion -Editorial -Many self-described free marketeers vociferously oppose antitrust laws. -
No, Mr. President, Tariffs Do Not Cause Prosperity
Opinion -Editorial -The prospect that the US president would conclude that tariffs cause growth has always been the downside of good economic numbers. -
The Weird Reality of World Climate Policy
Opinion -Climate policies vary greatly by country. -
The Fallacy of a Government Shutdown, the Reality of Freedom Lost
Opinion -Editorial -Another partial federal government “shutdown” began on December 22, 2018. -
Hey Government: Stop Looking For New Ways To Tax Us – Instead Cut Spending
Opinion -Editorial -The federal government is constantly setting new records for income tax money fleeced from We the People. -
L.A. City Council Votes to Require Contractors to Disclose NRA Ties
Opinion -budget-tax-news -“The First Amendment protects the right to free speech and association"