The Importance of Keeping Secrets
Opinion -Electronic communication is essential for global commerce. The telephone has become an indispensable business tool, as has the fax machine. Increasingly, important business is being conducted over computer networks. -
Health Care with an Iron Fist
Opinion -Those who support some form of national health system, from the President and Mrs. Clinton on down, enjoy stressing the "caring," "compassionate" nature of their proposals. -
Uncle Sam’s Health Club
Opinion -Many advocates of health care reform claim to be seeking a radical transformation of the U.S. health care system. Yet for the most part, their proposals call for nothing more than further government intervention in the health care industry. -
School Choice: Church vs. State
Opinion -Nationwide pressure for school choice shows people now doubt that "public education" can happen only in schools owned and operated by the government. -
Competition, Not Money, Works Wonders in Education
Opinion -About three decades ago, the Johnson Administration commissioned the outstanding social scientist James S. Coleman to prove that America's public schools needed more tax dollars. -
Man Bites Dog; Property Taxes Refunded
Opinion -Big headlines are often made in small places. Crestwood, Illinois--population 12,000--has been in the middle of a quiet public policy revolution for two-and-a-half decades. -
Dial 911 and Die
Opinion -Most Americans believe their local police have a duty to protect them against criminals. They are wrong. Some of them are dead wrong. -
Medicare Reform Deja Vu?
Opinion -“The votes tell the story. On June 2, 1988, the House passed the Catastrophic Health Care Act 328-72. On Wednesday [October 4, 1989], the House voted to repeal it 360-66. Rep. -
Hayek on Forced Credit Expansion
Opinion -“Instead of furthering the inevitable liquidation of the maladjustments brought about by the boom during the last three years, all conceivable means have been used to prevent that readjustment from taking place; and one of these means, which has