Politicians Play Ridiculous Global Warming Card after Tornado

Published May 24, 2013

Climate Change Weekly #92

Not 24 hours passed from the time a devastating tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma, killing at least 24 people including eight children, until shameless global warming activists in Congress began exploiting the grief and pain of a devastated community to tell an idiotic tale of global warming causing tornadoes. The facts tell an entirely different story than that portrayed by alarmists Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA).

When the Oklahoma tornado touched down Monday afternoon, it occurred at the culmination of the 12-month period with the fewest tornado strikes in recorded history.

It was, of course, inevitable that at some point a strong tornado would strike again. After all, tornadoes have occurred since long before Oklahomans began driving SUVs and living with the benefits of electricity. According to the alarmists’ logic, because a tornado occurred and because the Earth has gradually warmed in the century-plus since the end of the Little Ice Age, global warming must cause tornadoes – even when we are experiencing the fewest tornadoes in recorded history precisely when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are at their highest in centuries.

Nor has a gradually warming Earth led to an increase in the severity of tornadoes. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data, the past 50 years have seen a steady decline in major tornadoes – the F3-F5 tornadoes that do the most damage.

If we want to play the climate association game and claim global warming plays a role in all extreme weather events, that role is clearly to lessen the frequency and severity of tornadoes and virtually all other extreme weather events. F3-F5 tornadoes occurred approximately 50 percent more often from 1964 through 1984 than they did from 1984 through the present.

Indeed, if we choose to connect global warming to extreme weather trends, global warming has prevented approximately 20 F3-F5 tornadoes per year during the past three decades. That’s 600 F3-F5 tornadoes that would have additionally occurred during the past three decades if not for the beneficial impact of global warming.

SOURCE: Forbes.com


Nobel-winning alarmist wished for tornadoes to strike Midwest … More peer-reviewed papers reject alarmism than blame humans … Monckton piles on Skeptical Science paper … Alaskans keep waiting for spring … Polar sea ice extent remains above long-term average


Nobel Prize-winning global warming alarmist Thomas Schelling told the Atlantic in a 2009 interview, “I sometimes wish that we could have, over the next five or ten years, a lot of horrid things happening – you know, like tornadoes in the Midwest and so forth – that would get people very concerned about climate change.” In addition to hoping for human catastrophes that can be falsely linked to global warming, Schelling said alarmists probably “have to find ways to exaggerate the threat” of global warming to get people to listen to their predictions.

SOURCE: Climate Depot


A closer look at a much-ballyhooed “study” by global warming activists published by Skeptical Science shows more peer-reviewed articles reject human induced global warming than say humans are responsible for most of the Earth’s recent warming. As the climate Web site The Blackboard reports, “The ‘consensus’ they’re [Skeptical Science] promoting says it is more likely humans have a negligible impact on the planet’s warming than a large one.”

SOURCE: The Blackboard


Christopher Monckton published a biting criticism of the Skeptical Science assertion that 97 percent of papers published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature agree on human-caused global warming. “The most remarkable conclusion to be drawn from [the Skeptical Science] paper is that the ‘consensus’ – far from growing – is actually collapsing,” Monckton explains while eviscerating the asserted survey results.

SOURCE: Watts Up With That?


Alaskans continue to shiver under the assault of one of the longest winters in recorded history. Snow continues to fall throughout the state into mid-May, causing significant disruption and economic harm. Ironically, a common theme among alarmist global warming narratives is global warming is causing, and will continue to cause, a dramatic and disruptive early end to winter and early start to spring. Another common theme among alarmist global warming narratives is Alaska is experiencing pronounced global warming impacts greater than those seen in the lower 48 states.

SOURCE: Alaska Dispatch


Polar sea ice extent remains above the long-term average, as has been the case for most of this year. Satellite instruments have precisely measured polar sea ice extent since 1979, producing a 33-year record of objective data. Arctic sea ice extent is close to the long-term average while Antarctic sea ice remains substantially above the long-term average. Antarctic sea ice extent has been above the long-term average every day this year and was at or above the long-term average nearly every day in 2012, as well.

SOURCE: Crysophere Today