Mountain Whispers, Days Without Sun
by Coleman Alderson
Reviewed by Marita Noon and Jay Lehr
It is time for a new modern book to tell Ayn Rand’s story from Atlas Shrugged and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World in modern terms. There is no question that todays environmental zealotry which is the theme of a new novel Mountains Whispers, Days Without Sun fills the bill. While Rand told a potentially true story this book updates it into our own future with the built in horrors of Agenda 21. A world movement of elitists who plan to take control of all of our land to use as they wish. They desire to concentrate folks in the cities where control is easier and create a new religion of sustainability.
Movies have been made of both Atlas Shrugged and Brave New World but never resonated with todays young folks, the so called millennials. Mountain Whispers could well make the impact necessary to make sure this dystopian story never unfolds.
What will America look like if the environmentalists win?
In every war, there are winners and losers. Whether the war is ideological or physical, or even if a truce is declared—there are still battles that end in victory or defeat.
In the United States, and most of the western world, there is an ideological war with dire physical consequences. It is the war on fossil fuels. But, the war is much bigger than energy. It is about freedom. It is about control. It is about global governance.
In his debut novel, author Coleman Alderson carefully weaves the green narrative into a spell-binding thriller set just slightly more than 35 years from now—when all of the green policies have taken force—and paints a gripping picture of how the Global Energy Enforcement Organization (GEEO) takes control of every aspect of our lives, leaving people struggling to survive a bleak existence.
But not everyone is willing to abandon freedom for the neat and tidy life promised in “Progress City.” They resist being “registered” and moved to work on an organic farm, assigned to drudge labor in the city, or picked to serve in “the administration.” Even many of those who originally accepted the move begin to realize the mistake they made. The friction creates the story as the “retros”—Appalachian Mountain folks, many of whom worked in the now-closed coal mines—resist registration and citification.
The cities are important because they represent “manageable regions.” It is more sustainable to have people in cities where they don’t use so many resources. For example, they don’t need cars. Instead they use public transportation or bicycles.
One of the lead characters is a young man named Agent Candler Greaves who is sent to round up the rebellious “retros.” Having been raised with the “save the planet” mantra, he genuinely wants to “help guide humanity toward a harmonious existence with the planet.” But, as the author’s portrayal makes vividly clear, the result of the GEEO’s efforts is a decrease in various public services, more land restrictions, limited availability of food, electricity, and medical treatments—while the leadership thrives in spite of it all.
Because a story captures people’s emotions, readers will internalize Mountain Whispers – Days without Sun‘s message more deeply than from facts and statistics. Alderson effectively illustrates the impact of all the mandates. The result is a depopulation of the rural areas and the control of people. Their individual hopes and aspirations are killed in the name of the collective.
The idea of citizens willingly accepting locator chips under their skin in order to be tracked may seem extreme to some, but closer to reality than we think. If you’ve seen advertising pop up on your computer based on websites you’ve visited, or if as you pull out of your driveway on Monday morning, your phone, without your asking it to, tells you how long it will take you to get to work, you know the scenario presented in Mountain Whispers – Days without Sun, is totally possible. We must, like the Appalachian Mountain folks, fight it while still an ideological war.
The war we are fighting, as Alderson explains in the afterword: “is a saga of two cultures, of two divergent ways of life, and ultimately two paths leading into our future. One way leads to empowerment and living close to the land; the other promotes safety, security, and a global technocracy prescribed to minimize human impact on the environment.”
Alderson is an optimist. In the end, it is going to be OK. If we can figure out how to put a brake on the policies and bring reason into the discussion, we can, then, figure out how to avoid living out the scary future laid out in Mountain Whispers – Days without Sun.
Coleman Alderson blogs on matters of energy and freedom at, and you can find Mountain Whispers – Days Without Sun on Amazon.