Former President Richard Nixon is an ancestral RINO – Republican In Name Only. The wobbly GOP wing that insists on delivering us Diet Democrat policies.
So it was in 1970 when President Nixon signed an executive order creating the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Get that? A unilateral fiat – how very pre-Barack Obama of him.
Was there a resounding clamor for an EPA? Certainly not from Republicans. And not from Democrats – else Nixon could have (should have) gone to the bi-cameral-Democrat-majority Congress for legislation. (Actually, to expand the federal government’s purview to this massive degree would have – should have – required a Constitutional amendment.)
Who wanted an EPA? The far Left Watermelons – who are green on the outside, red on the in.
Red – as in Communist. The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970 – which happens to be Vladimir Lenin’s birthday. What a phenomenal coincidence.
Three months after, Nixon signed the order creating the EPA.
The following was said by Soviet Communist Nikita Khrushchev:
An ecologist is a healthy guy in boots who lies behind a knoll and through binoculars watches a squirrel eat nuts. We can manage quite well without these bums.
The Soviets were always just that fond of their Western fellow travelers. Domestic Leftists were the “useful idiots” – helping Communists end capitalism.
The Soviet Union collapsed. The Useful Idiot Movement has not. It has taken over the Democrat Party – and the federal bureaucratic state.
The following was said by anti-Communist former Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus:
I spent most of my life under the communist regime which ignored and brutally violated human freedom, and I remember quite well, wanted to command, not only the people, but also the nature, to command wind and rain is one of the famous slogans I remember since my childhood.
In the past, it was in the name of the Marxist or the proletariat, this time in the name of the planet. Structurally, it is very similar. The current danger as I see it is environmentalism and especially its strongest version, climate alarmism.
Sounds very much like the EPA – especially so in the fourth quarter of the Obama Administration.
EPA Has Begun a Regulations Blitz
Why? Because the President is running out of time – so he is emulating Nixon with a fiat-fest.
White House: Action Needed Now to Slow Climate Change
Actually, no it’s not.
Global Warming? Temperature Up ‘Very Close to Zero’ (Since 1998)
The very nearly impossible has occurred – the global temperature has actually stopped changing.
Has that stopped the climate alarmism? Of course not. Leftists never allow facts to get in the way of a good beating.
EPA Boss: Climate Change Could Kill Thousands
Well that’s a mite vitriolic. Especially when asserted with no facts to back it.
Want facts? If you make energy prohibitively expensive – more and more people can’t afford to keep their respective climate temperatures in check. And it would appear the EPA is fixated on the wrong extreme.
Killer Cold: Winter is Deadlier Than Summer in U.S.
‘It’s Too Darn Cold’: Historic Freeze Brings Rare Danger Warning
The EPA’s assaults on the private sector will definitely kill lots of things.
EPA is Dropping a Massive Regulatory Bomb on the Economy
Out-of-Control EPA Is Hurting the Economy
AGs to Congress: EPA Rules Would Hurt Economy, Threaten States’ ‘Sovereignty’
EPA Wants to Implement Unattainable Regulations, Kill American Manufacturing Jobs
Gov’t Report Details How EPA Regs Will Kill Coal
The Latest Industry On EPA’s Emissions Hitlist
How the EPA Plans to Kill Jobs and Reduce Your Income
In the face of Reality, the EPA attempts to strike back with even more of the fact-free patently ridiculous.
EPA Chief McCarthy: Climate Regulations Good for Economy
Costs for Americans to comply with federal regulations reached $1.863 trillion in 2013. That is more than the (Gross Domestic Product) GDPs of Canada or Australia.
The people who grow our food don’t seem to agree. (And of course, if you make food prohibitively expensive – more and more people can’t afford to eat. Which preempts even concerns of government-caused higher energy costs.)
EPA Regulations Suffocating U.S. Agriculture
Farm Bureau Supports Reigning in the EPA
The EPA is Turning Water on Farms Into a Weapon Against Farmers
The Government’s Boundless Appetite for Regulation
Shocker – the EPA is yet again bending the rules.
Farm Bureau to Senate: EPA Abused Rulemaking Process
Which is, again, nothing new.
Disgraced EPA Chief Used Fake Name to Coordinate with Liberal Groups
Top EPA Official Used Personal Email Address to Solicit Green Group’s Input
Is EPA Helping Green Groups Raise Funds in Exchange for Favorable Research?
And if you don’t comply with their dishonest, ever-expansive absurdity? Additional, personalized authoritarianism.
EPA Boss Just Threatened Americans: I’m Going To Come Knocking On Your Doors
This is where, Constitutionally, the Legislative Branch is supposed to step in. And rein in the out-of-control Executive.
Unfortunately, Congress is populated mostly by Nixon-esque RINOs. Who are preoccupied with giving this out-of-control President even more of its delegated power (Trade Promotion Authority [TPA]) – rather than clawing some of it back.
It’s going to be a woefully long nineteen months. From here, January 20, 2017 seems very, very far away.