The Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) released a new survey overwhelmingly indicating black families support school choice.
The survey, which was released in November, polled 2,400 black voters in Alabama, Louisiana, New Jersey, and Tennessee. Exactly 600 voters were surveyed in each state.
According to the survey, more than 90 percent of black voters surveyed say a candidate’s views on education are important to them before they vote. Six in 10 support school vouchers to provide scholarships to send children to eligible private schools; seven out of 10 say they support providing parents with more educational choices in their local school districts; and the majority of voters surveyed support charter schools, with more than 65 percent of the voters in Louisiana and Tennessee saying they want access to charters.
Choice Support ‘Just Undeniable’
Mendell Grinter, Tennessee state director for BAEO, told School Reform News the results of the survey indicate an increased concern among blacks regarding education policy nationally.
“Each year we see more and more [that] our work is so important because black voters are supporting these school choice policies,” Grinter said. “Elected officials and leaders need to take notice that these policies matter and are something black voters want. It’s just undeniable.”
Grinter says it’s clear voters want to hear from candidates who have the most potentially transformative educational reform policies in upcoming election cycles.
“As we talk about 2016, I think [education policies and school choice issues are] going to be a huge factor in the election,” Grinter said.
Image by Maryland GovPics.
Internet Info:
“New Survey Shows Black Voters Strongly Support Parental Choice for Educational Options in Their Communities,” Black Alliance for Educational Options:
“New Survey Shows Black Voters Strongly Support Parental Choice for Educational Options in Tennessee,” Black Alliance for Educational Options, November 2, 2015: