Table: State-by-State Cost Per Proficient Fourth-Grade Reader

Published February 1, 2003
Cost Per Proficient
Fourth-Grade Reader
State NAEP Student Achievement: % scoring at or above proficient in Grade 4 reading (1998) % Annual Current Expenditure Per Pupil (1997-98) $ Cost to Produce a Proficient Fourth-Grader in 1998 ($ x 5)/%
United States 29 $6,189 $107,000
Alabama 24 $4,849 $101,000
Alaska $8,271
Arizona 22 $4,595 $104,000
Arkansas 23 $4,708 $102,000
California 20 $5,644 $141,000
Colorado 34 $5,656 $83,200
Connecticut 46 $8,901 $96,800
Delaware 25 $7,420 $148,000
Florida 23 $5,552 $121,000
Georgia 24 $5,647 $118,000
Hawaii 17 $5,858 $172,000
Idaho $4,721
Illinois $6,242
Indiana $6,318
Iowa 35 $5,998 $85,700
Kansas 34 $5,727 $84,200
Kentucky 29 $5,213 $89,900
Louisiana 19 $5,187 $136,000
Maine 36 $6,742 $93,600
Maryland 29 $7,034 $121,000
Massachusetts 37 $7,778 $105,000
Michigan 28 $7,050 $126,000
Minnesota 36 $6,388 $88,700
Mississippi 18 $4,288 $119,000
Missouri 29 $5,565 $96,000
Montana 37 $5,724 $77,400
Nebraska $5,958
Nevada 21 $5,295 $126,000
New Hampshire 38 $6,156 $81,000
New Jersey $9,643
New Mexico 22 $5,005 $114,000
New York 29 $8,852 $153,000
North Carolina 28 $5,257 $93,900
North Dakota $5,056
Ohio $6,198
Oklahoma 30 $5,033 $83,900
Oregon 28 $6,419 $115,000
Pennsylvania $7,209
Rhode Island 32 $7,928 $124,000
South Carolina 22 $5,320 $121,000
South Dakota $4,669
Tennessee 25 $4,937 $98,700
Texas 29 $5,444 $93,900
Utah 28 $3,969 $70,900
Vermont $7,075
Virginia 30 $6,065 $101,000
Washington 29 $6,040 $104,000
West Virginia 29 $6,323 $109,000
Wisconsin 34 $7,123 $105,000
Wyoming 30 $6,218 $104,000
District of Columbia 10 $8,393 $420,000
NAEP data are published by the National Center for Education Statistics at the U.S. Department of Education, located at

Current expenditures per pupil are derived from data in the report, Early Estimates of Public Elementary and Secondar Education Statistics: School Year 2001-2002, published in April 2002 by the National Center for Education Statistics. The report is available from the NCES Web site at

Note: The states with incomplete data did not participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress survey.