“The Cartel,” a documentary on the barriers to enacting real education reform, will be on April 30th, 2010 in numerous locations. If you are lucky enough to live in Chicago, you can join The Heartland Institute, For the Good of Illinois and Producer Robert Bowdon for a Night at the Movies!
If you live in Los Angeles, Houston, Boston, Denver, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Philedelphia or St. Louis, you can find where the film is playing by going here.
In Chicago, “The Cartel” will be showing at The Landmark Theater in Chicago’s Century Mall, 2828 North Clark Street, Chicago IL 60657. This compelling documentary highlights the problems and promise involved in transforming America’s schools … and exposes the cartel blocking that transformation at every turn.
Immediately following the movie’s showing, The Heartland Institute will host a question-and-answer session in the theater, featuring Bowdon; Bruno Behrend, director of the Center for School Reform at The Heartland Institute; and Adam Andrzejewski, founder of For the Good of Illinois.
Space is limited, so make your reservations today! To secure your spot for this important, informative, and entertaining event:
* Register using a credit card or your PayPal account.
* Register with a credit card by calling Tonya Houston at 312/377-4000.
* Register by sending a check to The Heartland Institute, 19 South LaSalle Street #903, Chicago, IL 60603.
Cancellations received by The Heartland Institute at 312/377-4000 on or before 5:00 pm CDT Friday, April 16 will be refunded in full. No refunds will be made for cancellations made after April 16, or for cancellations made by email at any time.
This event is an excellent opportunity to find out just how close we are to a real transformation of the American education system. It’s great way to introduce your friends and relatives to the organizations and people promoting necessary reforms.
Click here to find out more about the movie. Click here for directions to the Century Mall’s Landmark Theaters. Parking is extra, but conveniently located next to the mall.