Friday’s ed news
FEDERAL: Three states are at risk of losing their No Child Left Behind waivers, so must negotiate with the Obama administration over how much they can control their own ed systems.
WISCONSIN: Twenty-five schools are allowed into this fall’s voucher expansion for 500 kids. As choice expands, the state seeks to regulate private schools like public schools.
GOP: Common Core is becoming as divisive an issue as immigration.
MICHIGAN: The state holds a third hearing reconsidering Common Core.
CALIFORNIA: Schools react to the state’s new law allowing boys to use girl bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams, and vice versa.
WISCONSIN: Schools have no idea what to expect fromObamaCare, and are running scared. In TEXAS, a school board member says ObamaCare means financial disaster for school districts and states.
VIRGINIA: The state records test scores incorrectly for 4,000 kids.
EDTECH: Despite the buzz over online materials, print textbooks still dominate the market.
Thursday’s ed news
FEDERAL: The GOP can likely do little to stop President Obama’s plan to raise phone taxes for Common Core tests.
FLORIDA: A new report on the state’s tax-credit scholarship shows it benefits more poor and minority children.
TESTING: The College Board revamps four of its tests to fit Commn Core and compete with its federally funded assessments.
KANSAS: State board of education members attempt to quell parent concerns about student data.
PENNSYLVANIA: A teachers union stands in the way of Philadelphia schools opening their doors this fall.
LOUISIANA: The state’s independent charter school evaluator says state staff pushed them to change their recommendations for charter schools to approve.
COLORADO: Teachers in one county indicate they prefer not being forced to join a union, despite union assertions to the contrary.
DELAWARE: Schools deliberately try to change America’s food culture with new federal lunch regulations.
Wednesday’s ed news
PARENT TRIGGER: USA Today comes out for the school choice law.
VIRGINIA: A GOP candidate for governor unveils his education reform plan. It includes a Parent Trigger, tax-credit scholarship expansion, and constitutional amendment to allow vouchers.
MICHIGAN: Diane Ravitch will accompany others testifying today against Common Core.
INDIANA: Teachers all across the country will bail out the state’s teachers union after courts ended a “Ponzi-style scheme.”
UNIONS: Families flee to right-to-work states, causing K-12 enrollment drops in states where unions are strong.
TEACHERS: What some of the country’s best teachers think about their profession.
MICHIGAN: August is the only month teachers union members can drop their membership. Meanwhile, state and local union leaders fight.
TEXTBOOKS: Research shows smaller children need simpler graphics.
STUDENT LOANS: A new paper finds tax-sponsored student aid prompts huge college cost increases. And income-based repayment pushes taxpayers to pick up the entire tab for expensive law degrees.
Tuesday’s ed news
MAINE: The state is the 40th to get a waiver of the largest federal education law, No Child Left Behind.
MINORITY STUDENTS: It disrespects children to set lower expectations for them according to race, writes Esther Cepeda.
GEORGIA: A review shows the state’s math standards are higher-quality than Common Core.
FLORIDA: American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten pounces on the Tony Bennett school-grades scandalto discredit Republican education reforms.
BIG DATA: States and schools are moving into electronic high school transcripts, putting more detailed information about individual students online.
PRESCHOOL: A study of Tennessee’s government early childhood program shows too little payback, say editors of the Charleston Daily Mail.
BIG MONEY: The Gates Foundation continues to spend millions to influence education policy. Here are its latest education grants.
TEXAS: Should charter schools be allowed to rent churches?
FEDS: Thirteen ways Congress can improve education this session (mostly by getting out of the way).
BACK TO SCHOOL: Four states offer short tax holidays this month.
Monday’s ed news
MICHIGAN: K-12 spending climbs as enrollment drops.
ALABAMA: Should students already attending private schools be eligible for tax-credit scholarships?
LOUISIANA: Charter school students there learn more than their peers in traditional schools, a study finds.
TEXAS: New school rankings are out, and the state is struggling to educate growing numbers of minority students.
BABY APPS: A lawsuit challenges claims that computer and phone apps can educate small children.
NATIONAL: What happens when, as with Common Core, the goal posts move in education?
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Image by Mo Riza.