Video: Parents on Losing End of Anti-Voucher Union Lawsuit Speak Out

Published April 10, 2014

North Carolina passed a new voucher program into law last year, and unions in the state recently filed suit to stop it. A judge has put the program on temporary hold as the case moves forward, pushing the 4,500 kids who had signed up back into schools they had wanted to leave. 

“Guess whose voice has been missing in this debate? Parents’,” says Darrell Allison, president of Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina. 

Click through on the video at left to see these parents tell their stories, or click the links to several below. You can also visit 

Debbie, mother of Alyssa: “My child is one of the many that needs to be in a different education setting.” 

LaMonica, mother of Maya, Joshua, and Trinity Grace: “When we put them back in public school, we saw a decline in their education, just the attention that was needed.” ‘

Jennifer, mother of Sam: “Please don’t deny my child the educational opportunities that he’s entitled to.”