Friday’s ed news
Sources tell the AP a deal has been made to expand Wisconsin vouchers statewide.
Meet the 13-year-old who, after years of trying, won the 2013 national spelling bee.
Is Alaska bringing in Common Core through the back door?
The battle rages in Kansas to defund Common Core before the legislative session ends.
Florida spends below-average on its schools but gets above-average results.
An anti-bullying bill in Massachusetts would increase data collection about students from personal surveys.
A review of New York daycares finds children locked in closets, spanked, and publicly humiliated.
Florida parents frustrated with budget and personnel woes at their children’s magnet school seek more control by converting the school to a charter.
Look: The IRS has lesson plans for schools.
Thursday’s ed news
Wisconsin’s joint finance committee has passed a measure to pause Common Core pending further evaluation. More.
Meanwhile, Wisconsin lawmakers are also crafting a compromise on a voucher expansion.
An extra $5 million will go to Indiana public schools this year because of vouchers.
School boards and districts say they need more time to implement Common Core national standards.
President Obama ups the ante on Congressmen trying to make college loan rates more realistic.
The Chicago Teachers Union files a third lawsuit against proposed school closings.
A teacher says testing has caused her to spend 40 of 180 school days away from her students.
The number of high-poverty schools has increased 60 percent.
Wednesday’s ed news
A voucher proposal passes North Carolina‘s education committee.
Ten states consider ending high school exit exams.
The final Michigan budget blocks Common Core funding.
The U.S. Department of Education launches a kindergarten test creating competition.
Nevada’s Senate passes a bill expanding Teach for America.
Here’s the price Chinese kids pay to rank high on international education comparisons.
Mississippi’s governor seeks higher standards for prospective teachers.
The Colorado Supreme Court rules state school funding constitutional.
The number of six-figure earners in central Texas schools has jumped.
The ACLU wants to ban New York churches from renting public schools on the weekends.
Tuesday’s ed news
Ohio lawmakers propose tax-credit scholarships.
Citing budget concerns, Louisiana will reduce its mini-voucher Course Choice program.
Two Connecticut moms sue the state for “throwing money” at failing schools that haven’t improved.
A Florida public school denies a private school student the opportunity to join JROTC.
Rick Hess rebukes Diane Ravitch over her latest Parent Trigger tirade.
San Jose schools scrap an antiquated teacher pay system, but refuse to give penalties for poor performance.
Texas revamps its teacher pension system.
Memorial Day Weekend roundup
U.S. Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-Alabama) wants the feds to stay away from Common Core and its tests.
A North Carolina sixth grader is told she must repeat her grade indefinitely if she continues to refuse the state test.
U.S. House Republicans would cut the federal Department of Education’s budget 22 percent.
Washington may be the next state to expand school choice.
Envision a la carte education. In Florida, it’s already happening: The legislature just opened an avenue for private companies to offer more online classes.
A new study finds people know when state tests inflate results by setting a low bar for students.
A fight over funding Common Core holds up the entire Michigan budget.
Chicago parents respond to the largest school closings in history.
For last week’s School Reform News roundup, click here.
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Image by Mo Riza.