Winter Temperatures in 20-Year Cooling Trend

Published March 19, 2014

Winter temperatures in the contiguous United States declined by more than a full degree Celsius (more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit) during the past 20 years, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data show. The data contradict assertions that human induced global warming is causing a rise in winter temperatures that alarmists say is causing an outbreak of bark beetles and other calamities.

The data also contradict assertions that the extremely cold winter of 2013-2014 was a one-time anomaly. The winters of 2000-2001 and 2009-2010 were similarly cold, according to the NOAA data.

Nevertheless, several cities in Michigan and Wisconsin experienced their coldest winters ever this year.

The NOAA data show all nine U.S. climate regions are experiencing the winter temperature decline.

“They are all a downtrend,” the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project observed in a blog post on the cooling trend. “Not all obviously statistically significant, but no region had warming.”