Words Matter More Than Actions

Published October 27, 2006

Dear Editor:

Your October 26 article “EU says more needed for environment,” which points out that Sweden and Britain are the only EU-15 nations meeting their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, makes one wonder what the true goal is of global warming alarmists. The U.S. spends more money on global warming research, science, and carbon reducing technologies than any other nation. As a result, we are annually reducing the carbon intensity of our economy. Yet alarmists bash the U.S. for not joining the Kyoto Protocol. Meanwhile, they praise the European Union for signing the Protocol even though they fail to live up to its terms. What do the alarmists value most, words or action?


James M. Taylor

James M. Taylor [[email protected]] is senior fellow for environmental affairs at The Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment & Climate News.