Every few months or so, global warming alarmists revise their talking points and march like lemmings off a cliff with a new media catch phrase. The Official Global Warming Catch Phrase of Summer 2012 is “This is what global warming looks like.” Illustrating the reality that the entire global warming movement contains only enough intellectually productive brain cells to create but a single sentence that all the so-called big brains can remember and recite, everyone from alarmist scientician Jonathan Overpeck to Associated Press propagandist Seth Borenstein is reciting the catch phrase with as much critical thought as Reggie Jackson reciting “I must kill – the queen” in the original Police Squad movie. And by golly, the alarmists finally got it right.
Yes, Virginia (or should I say, “Yes, Reggie”) this is indeed what global warming looks like.
Global warming alarmists point to wildfires in the western United States and say, “This is what global warming looks like.” They are right. This is what global warming looks like. According to a recently published paper in the peer-reviewed Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, wildfires in the western United States are currently at a 3,000-year low. Similarly, data from the National Interagency Fire Center show the number of U.S. wildfires is on a 35-year downward trend. Alarmists point to the few times and places where wildfires have recently occurred and scream, “The sky is falling!” Objective, real-world data, however, tells an entirely different story. Yes, Reggie, this is what global warming looks like.
Global warming alarmists point to drought in the western United States and say, “This is what global warming looks like.” They are right. This is what global warming looks like. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports, “A number of tree-ring records exist for the last two millennia which suggest that 20th century droughts may be mild when evaluated in the context of this longer time frame.” Several peer-reviewed studies (see, for example, studies here, and here ,and here) reach the same conclusion. Alarmists point to the few times and places where drought has recently occurred and scream, “The sky is falling!” Objective, real-world data, however, tells an entirely different story. Yes, Reggie, this is what global warming looks like.
Global warming alarmists like Al Gore point to current crop conditions and proclaim, “This is what the climate crisis looks like.” He is right. This is what the climate “crisis” looks like. As I have documented in prior columns, global warming is creating ideal weather that is producing record crop yields. Alarmists point to the few times and places where crop failures occur and scream, “The sky is falling!” Objective, real-world data, however, tells an entirely different story. Yes, Reggie, this is what global warming looks like.
The alarmists are incapable of coming up with more than one catch phrase per season. For our comedic entertainment this summer, that is a good thing.
“I must kill – the truth.” – Seth Borenstein, Right Fielder, California Angels, Police Squad.