Browse Heartland
The Hysteria over Dioxin
Opinion -The popular press has given extensive coverage to the latest report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on dioxin. -
Competition for Wall Street Means Economic Growth for Main Street
Opinion -New electronic systems for trading stocks could end the financial abuse suffered by investors when buying and selling small, over-the-counter (OTC) stocks. Such systems can spur economic growth, benefiting investors, business firms, and employees. -
Prince William Sound: Getting the Story Right
Opinion -The 1989 oil spill in Alaska's Prince William Sound was a terrible accident. It should never happen again. The damage awards now coming out of Alaska jury rooms will encourage oil companies to make sure it doesn't. -
Guaranteeing Health Benefits Is No Cure
Opinion -Health care reformers want to make sure that every American has basic medical care. Most reform bills in Congress thus include a "minimum benefits package. -
The Folly of Employer-Based Health Insurance
Opinion -While debating whether to force employers to provide health insurance to their employees, Congress should take the opportunity to re-evaluate the notion of employer-based health insurance. -
Health Care Rights and Responsibilities
Opinion -Most politicians in Washington and many citizens believe "universal coverage" is a proper goal of health care reform. -
Michigan’s Teacher Bargaining Law: A Model for Illinois
Opinion -All across America, parents and local school boards are wrestling with a growing problem--the political and economic clout of teacher unions. One state--Michigan- -has finally done something about it. -
The ’94 Crime Bill: Shooting Hoops in the Dark
Opinion -The crime bill currently being debated in Congress, if passed, will go down in history as one of the most colossal failures ever to come from Capitol Hill. The bill is chock-full of political pork, repeats old mistakes, and will not prevent crime. -
Privacy Means Privacy from Everyone, Even the Police
Opinion -GOOD NEWS! The federal government respects and is working to protect your privacy . . . just as long as you don't want privacy from the government itself. -
The Science of Chlorine
Opinion -Thirteen years ago in Volume 1, 1981, this international journal started with an editorial that emphasized the need for a forum in which to review, analyze, and debate the scientific bases for regulatory decisions. -
Mr. President, Don’t Mess with Drug Pricing
Opinion -The Clinton Administration says it wants to drive down the cost of prescription drugs. This sounds like a fine idea, but the method being proposed could backfire on consumers. -
The Solution to Pollution is Eco-Sanity
Opinion -If the modern environmental movement in the United States was born in 1962 with the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, then the movement is now 32 years old. -
Don’t Federalize Criminal Law
Opinion -Different versions of President Clinton's omnibus crime bill passed the Senate and the House months ago. Today the proposals remain mired in a conference committee that has been unable to get agreement on several controversial provisions. -
Property Tax Relief Should Drive School Reform
Opinion -Assembly Speaker Walter Kunicki and his legislative colleagues are reaping praise these days for what some have portrayed as a bold stroke of innovative policy making. -
The Importance of Keeping Secrets
Opinion -Electronic communication is essential for global commerce. The telephone has become an indispensable business tool, as has the fax machine. Increasingly, important business is being conducted over computer networks. -
Health Care with an Iron Fist
Opinion -Those who support some form of national health system, from the President and Mrs. Clinton on down, enjoy stressing the "caring," "compassionate" nature of their proposals. -
Uncle Sam’s Health Club
Opinion -Many advocates of health care reform claim to be seeking a radical transformation of the U.S. health care system. Yet for the most part, their proposals call for nothing more than further government intervention in the health care industry. -
No. 62 Stadiums, Professional Sports, and Economic Development: Assessing The Reality
Publication -Policy Studies -About one century ago, professional sports became prominent in American public life. During its early yeras, the business of sports was primarily a private undertaking, financed with private money and played in private stadiums and arenas. -
School Choice: Church vs. State
Opinion -Nationwide pressure for school choice shows people now doubt that "public education" can happen only in schools owned and operated by the government. -
Competition, Not Money, Works Wonders in Education
Opinion -About three decades ago, the Johnson Administration commissioned the outstanding social scientist James S. Coleman to prove that America's public schools needed more tax dollars. -
Man Bites Dog; Property Taxes Refunded
Opinion -Big headlines are often made in small places. Crestwood, Illinois--population 12,000--has been in the middle of a quiet public policy revolution for two-and-a-half decades. -
No. 56 Entrepreneurial Independent Contractors vs. The State
Publication -Policy Studies -Entrepreneurship, independence, risk-taking, and freedom of contract were essential to America's development as the world's greatest economic power. Unfortunately, America appears to have lost its entrepreneurial "edge," and our economy shows it. -
No. 56 Entrepreneurial Independent Contractors vs. The State
Publication -Policy Studies -Entrepreneurship, independence, risk-taking, and freedom of contract were essential to America's development as the world's greatest economic power. Unfortunately, America appears to have lost its entrepreneurial "edge," and our economy shows it. -
No. 54 The Killing Can Be Stopped
Publication -Policy Studies -In 1992, the city of Chicago was reeling from the shooting death of Dantrell Davis, a 7-year-old boy caught in the crossfire of gangs battling for control of the city's notorious Cabrini Green public housing project.