The Leaflet: States Don’t Need Certificate of Need Laws

Samantha Fillmore Heartland Institute
Published September 27, 2020


Webinar: States Don’t Need Certificate of Need Laws

On September 21, Heartland’s Christina Herrin hosted a webinar panel on how COVID-19 has exposed the corruption of Certificate of Need (CON) Laws. CON laws were intended to make health care more accessible. However, they have stifled competition, driven up prices, and led to less access in the health care market. Watch now.


Latest Bullying and School Violence Survey Shows Students Need Child Safety Accounts

In his latest Research & Commentary, Tim Benson reviews the results of the biennial Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which demonstrate the vital need for child safety accountsRead the latest Research & Commentary.


In The Tank: SCOTUS Vacancy, Will Biden Debate?

The latest episode of In The Tank addresses the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the politics that now surround the Supreme Court vacancy. The crew also discuss whether or not they think Joe Biden will show up for next week’s first presidential debate. Listen now.


COVID-19 State-Specific Economic Response Consulting

Are you searching for help with state-specific solutions to undo the damage wrought by governor’s executive orders and excessive lockdowns in response to the coronavirus pandemic? Contact Government Relations Coordinator, Samantha Fillmore, to learn more about solutions for economic reopening.


​​​​​Governors, Not Gods: Reining-In Redux

On August 27, Heartland hosted a Zoom webinar to discuss how state legislators can curb the increasing abuse of executive powers given to governors across the nation. Additionally, Heartland staff created a document outlining actionable items lawmakers can used to revive, and amend existing state statutes.
Read Guidelines Here. 
Watch Recording Here.


Climate at a Glance Website
Looking for a go-to website to get concise summaries that provide the most accurate and insightful information on hotly debated climate topics? Bookmark this:


Climate Realism Website
Do you need a one-stop-shop that provides true and transparent climate news without the infusion of climate alarmism courtesy of the mainstream media? Bookmark this too: