Heartland Institute Joins Coalition Calling on Feds to Cease Collusion with Social Media Platforms
Opinion -Press Release -'The Biden administration is ripping the U.S. Constitution to shreds. Its assault on America’s freedom of speech is terrifying. It is the hallmark of dictatorships.' -
DoD 5G: Want to Lose to China in Something? Have Government Do It
Opinion -Editorial -Government can not efficiently deliver the mail. So now it wants to deliver the Internet. -
Defense IG to Congress: Take Your Amazon Cronyism Oversight and Shove It
Opinion -Editorial -How has Amazon Retail afforded the ability to lose money for decades - and still murder global retail? By running other businesses that make money - and using that money to subsidize Amazon Retail. -
Big-Tech Defenders Vastly Underestimate Its Power Relative to Government’s
Opinion -Editorial -Big-Tech is much more powerful than its defenders assume. -
The Economics of Paying Ransom
Opinion -Editorial -Collective action poses the second challenge. Businesses collectively have an interest in not rewarding cybercrime, yet individual businesses suffer these attacks. -
Why the Internet Is Industrial Policy Not Free Market
Opinion -Editorial -Big Tech’s defense against any potential governmental accountability is wielding the myth that their success is a result of their free market merit, innovation, and competitiveness. -
PRESS RELEASE: Heartland Institute Applauds Florida Online Free-Speech Protection Law
Opinion -Press Release -Heartland has long urged Florida, other states, to take measures to prevent the continual suppression of conservative speech on social media platforms -
The Achilles Heel Of Big Tech’s Cancel Power
Opinion -Editorial -It is in the raw political interests of the government’s incumbent party and unchecked Big Tech to collectively cancel the opposition party online to retain control of their levers of power long term. -
Biden’s International Trade Big Tech Cronyism Is Ridiculously Small Ball
Opinion -Editorial -Trump put our outsourcing everything to corrupt China on the national radar. -
Why Repeal Not Reform Section 230?
Opinion -Editorial -Repeal of Section 230’s 1996 lawless Wild West Internet policy is inevitable because it is based on an immoral premise and has inflicted severe damage to America’s constitutional liberties, national security and economic prosperity. -
Government Is Lying About What Broadband Is and What We Need from It
Opinion -Editorial -Biden, Inc and DCs Democrats are in the process of throwing trillions of dollars at things about which they know nothing. -
Why Big Tech Censorship Is Super Scary
Opinion -Editorial -The rapid innovation of technology and the ways in which it affects our daily lives has baffled those of us who remember the pre-digital and dial-up days -
Leftists: ‘TV Providers – Be Non-Neutral.’ Also Leftists: ‘Internet Providers – Be Neutral’
Opinion -Editorial -Not only does CNN want to censor conservatives on principle – they want to censor conservatives because they draw bigger audiences than CNN -
Big Tech and Big Data vs Private Property
Opinion -Editorial -The advent of the Internet has created for us a New World. -
Apple and Google Control 99+% of the US Smart Phone Market
Opinion -Editorial -When either behaves badly – it is devastating to We the People, when both behave badly – it is cataclysmic for We the People -
Heartland Joins Conservative Leaders: Tech Companies Pose Existential Threat, Must Be Broken Up
Opinion -Press Release -'Free speech was controlled like this in East Germany and the Soviet Union. This should not be happening in America.' -
The New Cronyism: Big Tech Censors Conservatives – Democrats Deliver Crony Policies
Opinion -Editorial -It was for decades awful enough when cronyism seekers gave politicians campaign coin in exchange for crony government policies -
LinkedIn joins its big brothers with social media censorship
Opinion -Editorial -The social media giants are currently protected by a key legal shield known as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act -
Past Is Prologue: Obama-Biden Was Owned and Operated by Big Tech, So…
Opinion -Editorial -“What is past is prologue” -- William Shakespeare, The Tempest -
Free science is here and growing fast
Opinion -Editorial -Thanks to the miracle of online commenting the discussion of science, especially related to policy, is now a major popular pastime. -
The Gaslight Election
Opinion -Editorial -Dominated by a fraudulent reality created by a Leftist media and academia echo chamber -
Media Titans Subvert Reality About Biden/Ukraine Profiteering
Opinion -Editorial -Joe Biden’s dealings with Ukraine implicate him in a web of corruption that involves bribery, extortion, and obstruction of justice -
Here’s Hoping Wednesday Begins a Supreme Court Reckoning for Monster Thief Google
Opinion -Editorial -Google is so monstrously huge, they routinely steal – and then dare their victims to come after them -
We the Reasonable Are Outnumbered – And Massively Outgunned
Opinion -Editorial -Of all the awfulness of all the Bigs – far and away the most oppressive and damaging comes from Big Tech