Climate Change Weekly #21
A new paper produced by global warming alarmists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research claims the “missing heat” that is not building up in the Earth’s atmosphere is likely getting trapped deeply within the oceans. The claims are not supported by empirical data or observations, but rather by computer models designed to produce and find the alleged missing heat.
Missing heat has been an embarrassment to global warming alarmists for many years. Recent peer-reviewed papers by Roy Spencer and others indicate the heat is “missing” because alarmist computer models do not accurately reflect the behavior of clouds and other feedback mechanisms. Alarmist computer models are programmed to assume a small amount of warming due to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide will lead to substantial increases in heat-trapping clouds and atmospheric humidity. Real-world observations, however, show cloud cover and humidity are not behaving as the models predict.
Recognizing these facts, however, calls into question the assertion that humans are causing a global warming crisis. In response, global warming alarmists are constantly blaming other factors (Chinese industrial emissions, deep ocean water, etc.) for masking the missing heat they have been predicting. In a Catch-22-like manner, the alarmists argue the minimal increase in recent temperatures is proof global warming is even worse than previously thought. Once Chinese air quality improves, or once the deep ocean heat reaches the surface, etc., all of this missing heat will be unleashed upon us at once, and the Earth will heat up more rapidly and to a greater degree than previously thought.
Of course, we have previously discussed how the Scientific Method requires presenting a theory that is subject to falsification. …
SOURCE: Watts Up With That?
Another study finds clouds provide negative feedback … Malaria in sharp decline as the Earth warms … Amazon rainforest not likely to dry out … South Pacific island analysis supports Medieval Warm Period … Gore advisor backs out of debate … ClimateWiki update
The cooling effect of clouds substantially outweighs their greenhouse warming effect, according to a new peer-reviewed study in Meteorological Applications. The research supports prior peer-reviewed studies indicating carbon dioxide emissions will not cause a rapid heating of the atmosphere via a build-up of heat-trapping clouds.
SOURCE: Watts Up With That?
Global malaria deaths have declined by 38 percent during the past decade, according to the World Health Organization, despite claims from global warming alarmists that global warming causes more cases of malaria. The World Health Organization says it is on track to reduce the number of deaths from malaria worldwide to near zero by 2015.
SOURCE: Toronto Star
The Amazon rainforest is likely to see more, rather than less, rain in future years as a result of global warming, concludes a new study in the American Meteorological Society’s Earth Interactions. “Our results suggest that the core of the Amazon rainforest should remain largely stable as rainfall in the core of the basin is projected to increase in nearly all models,” the study reports.
SOURCE: Earth Interactions
Multiproxy analysis from the island of New Caledonia shows the tropical island in the southern Pacific Ocean experienced significant warming during the Medieval Warm Period. The finding adds still more weight to evidence that the Medieval Warm Period was global in nature. Global warming alarmists frequently argue the Medieval Warm Period was merely a regional phenomenon confined to the North Atlantic.
SOURCES: and Quaternary Research
Maggie Fox, CEO of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, backed out of a debate with Climatism! author Steve Goreham last week. Fox had agreed to appear with Goreham on the Jim Bohannon radio program after the Climate Reality Project aired its “24 Hours of Climate Reality” program, but Fox cancelled out shortly before airtime saying she did not want to debate the issue.
SOURCE: Greenie Watch
The Heartland Institute has created a Web site,, to help everyone, from high school students to scientists working in the field, quickly find the latest and most reliable information on climate science. Please send your questions, suggestions for new pages, or improvements to current ones to John Monaghan at [email protected]. And if you have new research to share, is the perfect place.
An example from ClimateWiki, Solar Radiation Management, reads in part:
“Solar radiation management projects seek to reduce the amount of sunlight hitting the Earth and thus counteract global warming. They do not reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, and thus do not address problems such as ocean acidification caused by these gases. The phenomenon of global dimming as a side-effect of fossil fuel use is widely known, and is not necessarily a geoengineering technique, also occurring naturally as a result of volcanoes and major forest fires. However, its deliberate manipulation is a tool of the geoengineer.
“Solar radiation management projects often have the advantage of speed. While greenhouse gas remediation offers a comprehensive possible solution to climate change, it does not give instant results; for that, solar radiation management is required.”
If you have questions about the ClimateWiki or about The Heartland Institute, contact Jim Lakely, director of communications, at [email protected] or call 312/377-4000.
Power for USA
Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
Master Resource
The Climate Bet
International Climate Science Coalition
Climate Scientists’ Register
Science and Public Policy Institute
Climate Depot by Marc Morano
World Climate Report by Dr. Patrick Michaels
E-FACT Report by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
Global Warming Policy Foundation by Benny Peiser
Biweekly Updates from the Cooler Heads Coalition
Climate and Environment Review by the Center Science and Public Policy
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change by Craig Idso et al.
Watts Up With That? by Anthony Watts
ICECAP by Joseph D’Aleo
Climate Audit by Steve McIntyre
Climate Science by Roger Pielke Sr.
Junk Science by Steve Milloy
The Heartland Institute is a national, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization whose mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. The Heartland Institute publishes the monthly newspaper Environment & Climate News and sponsors the International Conference on Climate Change, the largest regular gathering of global warming experts challenging the notion that humans are creating a global warming crisis. James M. Taylor is senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment & Climate News.