Recently reported by Thomas Catenacci, a politics writer for Fox News Digital in his article dated May 9, 2023, “Democratic states call for federal crackdown on gas stoves”:
“A coalition of 11 Democratic attorneys general wrote to federal regulators urging them to take action cracking down on natural gas-powered stovetops over concerns about their impact on respiratory health.”
“The letter — led by Washington, D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb and joined by his counterparts in New York, Massachusetts and Maryland among other states — to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) came in response to the agency’s request for information about gas stove hazards in March. The state attorneys general argued in favor of heightened restrictions on the appliance.”
Schwalb’s letter argued “that the CPSC should adopt voluntary standards or mandatory regulations curbing gas stove emissions that degrade indoor air quality in homes nationwide, pointing to “government studies showing household appliances, including gas stoves, are contributors to indoor carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particle pollution.” In addition, “the state officials said the CPSC should spearhead a public education campaign about the harms of gas stoves while requiring manufacturers to attach warning labels to products.”
Although an idea was floated by the attorneys general as to the possibility of addressing health concerns through voluntary standards by industry, a later argument caused concern that such action could lead to “inadequate standards that will not protect against the health risks to consumers.” Decided instead was that the “CPSC should initiate a rule making to develop mandatory gas stoves standards.”
Lauded in the letter were effort in Washington, D.C. and New York City “where natural gas hookups will soon be banned in new construction.” But isn’t natural gas a safe, reliable, and affordable energy source for millions of Americans?
Clampdown on dishwashers
But the clampdown doesn’t stop with gas stoves. Tom Ozimek reported the following on May 9, 2023 in his article “Biden Admin Takes Aim at Dishwashers to Tackle ‘Climate Crisis’ After Gas Stove Clampdown”:
The Department of Energy (DOE) on May 5, 2023 proposed congressionally mandated standards for new dishwashers with a promise that costs will be lowered, while at the same time carbon emitted into the atmosphere would be decreased.
As for the proposal, “it would seek to cut energy use by 27% and water use by 34% in what is a conventional household dishwasher made in the U.S or imported into this country. This would happen three years after the publication of the final rule.”
Along with the dishwasher rule, there were also new requirement for electric motors and beverage vending machines.
The Biden administration move contrasts with how former President Trump approached household appliance efficiency standards. Trump criticizing the push to raise efficiency requirement because they made some appliances work less effectively, such a having to flush toilets more or run dishwashers repeatedly to achieve the same result.
But it won’t end with dishwashers, the Department of Energy is also considering new regulations for washers, dryers, and refrigerators.
Could room air conditioners be next?
The next casualty of Team Biden’s Energy Department ‘s “war on appliances” could very well be room air conditioners with new energy efficiency regulations that would make units more expensive for consumers and less effective in cooling things off.
Those who would be affected the most are poor people, minorities (especially blacks) and the elderly to keep cool in summer heat.
As Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) tweeted: “They’re after our stoves, our washing machines, and now, our air conditioners. Funny you never see them coming after private jets. The only goal of the ‘green’ agenda is making you SUFFER! That’s it!”
Gas powered mowers, blowers and trimmers
This ban also might be coming your way as several states are rushing to prohibit gasoline-powered mowers, blowers and trimmers in a dash to new, zero-emissions economy.
How surprised I was when I found a notice hanging on my front door where I live in northern Illinois about gas-powered leaf blowers being prohibited from May 15- September 30th!
As to the benefit of electric yard equipment, there are no gas engines to maintain; however, electric equipment is often not practical for larger yards because charges last only 30-60 minutes, long recharging times are needed, and cumbersome cords are often impractical for larger yards.
As for gas powered leaf blowers, they have been around for decades to provide ample power wherever and whenever you need it.
Anti-carbon propaganda?
Nearly all carbon emitting energy sources have been marked by climate activists and western governments, including our nation, as a threat that needs to be erased between 2030 to 2050; however, it’s always about control and not health.
Here are facts to consider as set forth by Brandon Smith in his article, dated January 14, 2023, The gas stove scare is a fraud created by climate change authoritarians:
“The average global temperature is not climbing to dangerous levels. The Earth’s temps have increased according to the NOAA by less than 1°C in the past century.”
“There is no evidence that this kind of temperature increase represents a threat to the environment or human health. In fact, the Earth’s temps have been much higher than they are today multiple times in the Earth’s history long before man-made carbon emissions were a thing. The official temperature record used by climate scientists only goes back to the 1880s – That is a TINY sliver of time in comparison to the epic lifespan of the Earth’s atmosphere.”
“And what about all those arguments that there are more dangerous weather patterns emerging due to global warming? That’s a lie. There is no significant difference between storm patterns today compared to 100 years ago.”
“The climate change agenda is about giving governments and globalist institutions the power to bottleneck energy usage, tax carbon emissions and thus control almost every aspect of our daily lives. Without the free flow of carbon-based energy almost all industry will collapse.
Green energy is inefficient and cannot fill the void left behind by gas, petroleum and coal. All that would be left is a minimal manufacturing base, minimal food production and a shrinking human population. Those that survive would be slaves to carbon restrictions; it would be a living nightmare.”
President Biden’s anti-fossil fuel campaign to save the earth
According to a report posted April 22, 2023, “Biden admin preparing major crackdown on power plants that fuel nation’s grid.”
It was shortly after President Biden took office that he pledged to enable the nation to achieve an up to 52% total emission reduction by 2030 to create a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035.
As cited in the article: “Overall, there are 3,393 fossil fuel-fired power plants nationwide, the majority of which are natural gas plants, according to the most recent federal data. Those plants generate more than 60% of the nation’s electricity, compared to the roughly 14% of electricity generated by wind and solar projects.”
Although the EPA wants to finalize power plant carbon standards by early next year to curb dangerous pollution and safeguard the climate as soon as possible, the fossil fuel industry has pushed back by arguing that the U.S. power grid is still deeply reliant on coal, natural gas and petroleum.
Saving the earth also involve small farmer
In an article by Warner Todd Huston of May 19, 2023, “Small Farmers Now ‘Front and Center’ in John Kerry’s Plan to Save the Earth”, Mr. Hoston states that “Climate change fatalist John Kerry is once again prattling on about how the earth is doomed, and he has a new target for destruction in his never-ending blame game.”
Kerry recently claimed that “the world cannot recover from climate change unless we crack down on agriculture” and that “agriculture creates one-third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.”
Accordingly, Kerry believes agricultural emissions must be in the forefront in the plan of the world to change the climate.
Kerry also insisted that “lives depend” on governments stepping in to lower agriculture emissions and that the only way to do so is by “throttling farmers with heavy regulations.”
Kerry called for innovations which presumably include eliminating meat and forcing everyone to eat bugs, while “solutions” could also involve the development of synthetic meats that apparently contain precancerous cells.
Net-zero is unrealistic now and in the foreseeable future
President Biden, and those who believe achieving net-zero is possible, feel we must act now if future generations of Americans are to be saved for the serious consequences of climate change.
In his youtube presentation, H. Sterling Burnett, Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute, breaks down the false narrative that wind and power can support the electric power grid. “The idea that we can transition to net zero by 2050, much less 2035 is an exercise in magical thinking. The grid doesn’t run on magic, it runs on physics.”
In a May10, 2023 opinion piece by Richard Belzer, Net-zero by 2050: The most expensive federal program ever, Belzer raises the point as to why the president, his regulators, and his activist allies rarely mention how much net-zero will cost households.
As Belzer wrote:
“According to the Energy Information Administration, 4.9 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide were emitted via the production and use of U.S. carbon-based energy in 2021, the latest year for which data are available.
There are 122 million households in the United States, so the average cost for each household of a $100 per metric ton tax is about $4,200. That means $12,700 per household at $300 per metric ton and $30,000 per year at $700 per metric ton. These figures equal 6.5%, 20%, and 45% of median U.S. household income. Every year.
Annual tax payments would go down as households consumed less carbon-based energy. But tax bills would decline slowly because it would take many years of expensive sacrifices to reduce a household’s carbon footprint seriously.
All but the richest households would have to reduce their standard of living dramatically. As difficult as this would be for the middle class, how the poor would manage is inconceivable. It probably would require huge new transfer payments, raising the effective tax rate on the wealthy from 35% (what the top 20% of earners pay today) to maybe 70%. The wealthy can’t escape because they are the only ones with enough money to pay what the poor cannot.”
CO2 pronounced good, not bad
As Gregory Wrightstone relates in his article, More Carbon Dioxide Is Good, Less Is Bad: “People should be celebrating, not demonizing, modern increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). We cannot overstate the importance of the gas. Without it, life doesn’t exist.” Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist; executive director of the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, VA; and author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know.
“Contrary to the mantra that today’s CO2 concentration is unprecedentedly high, our current geologic period, the Quaternary, has seen the lowest average levels of carbon dioxide since the end of the Pre-Cambrian Period more than 600 million years ago. The average CO2 concentration throughout Earth’s history was more than 2,600 ppm, nearly seven times current levels.
CO2 increased from 280 ppm in 1750 to 420 ppm today, most of it after World War II as industrial activity accelerated. The higher concentration has been beneficial because of the gas’s role as a plant food in increasing photosynthesis.
The amazing increase in agricultural productivity, partly the result of more CO2, has allowed the planet to feed eight billion people, compared to the fewer than 800,000 inhabitants living a short 300 years ago.
1. Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming.
2. Warming is far slower than predicted, with less than 1 degree C. in the past century.
3. Climate policy relies often on inadequate models.
4. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a plant food that is essential to all life on Earth. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
5. Global warming has not increased natural disasters.
6. Climate policy must reflect scientific and economic realities, instead of policies created by legislators and governments before it has been determine the harm the policies will impose upon their populous.
7. There is no climate emergency and no need to panic.