Policy Studies
The 2024 American Health Care Plan: State Solutions
Publication -Policy Studies -In this paper, The Heartland Institute outlines reforms from which all states could benefit, several of which some states have already begun to implement. -
Who Really Won the 2020 Election? Measuring the Effect of Mail-in Ballot Fraud in the Trump-Biden Race for the White House
Publication -Policy Studies -Impartial elections are absolutely essential to a cohesive and fruitful society. Historically, Americans have generally trusted that national elections have been free, fair, and secure, as well as bereft of widespread fraud. For generations, the majority of Americans have trusted that the electoral results delivered to the public were an accurate reflection of the will […] -
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Scores: A Threat to Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and the U.S. Economy
Publication -Policy Briefs, Policy Studies -ESG has become one of the gravest threats facing the free societies of the world today. -
The Road to Totalitarianism: Lessons From Russia
Publication -Policy Studies -Vladimir Putin and totalitarianism are old friends. The embattled Russian president began his career as a KGB operative in 1975, spending the next 16 years propagating total authoritarian control over his country until the Soviet Union finally collapsed in 1991.[1] Years after his country’s precipitous dissolution, Putin remarked in a 1996 interview, “However sad and […] -
An Analysis of Socialist Candidates in the 2022 Midterm Election
Publication -Policy Studies -Far-left progressive and socialist candidates continue to gain significant traction at both the federal and state levels of government. -
Energy at a Glance: Biomass
Publication -Policy Studies -Although it may make sense to get as much use out of timber scraps and garbage as possible, growing trees with the intent of using them strictly for densified biomass fuel does not make sense over the short- or long-term. -
Will the Last Taxpayer in Illinois Please Turn Out the Lights: An Economic Assessment of the Illinois ‘Fair Tax’
Publication -Policy Studies -We find that the Illinois “Allow for Graduated Income Tax Amendment” would have significant negative effects on the state’s economy and its citizens. -
States are about to be hit by a Medicaid Tidal Wave
Publication -Policy Studies -This report describes the fiscal burden states will face from anticipated Medicaid growth from the recession and congressional restrictions on enrollment control. -
Congress’s Medicaid funding increase creates massive legal uncertainty for states during COVID-19 Crisis
Publication -Policy Studies -The report by the Foundation for Government Accountability shows how new funding could restrict states from running Medicaid as they see fit. -
Is Medicaid Expansion Worth It?
Publication -Policy Studies -The report reviews three economic studies to determine Medicaid expansion impact on mortality and health outcomes. -
Competitor’s Veto: State Certificate of need Laws Violate State Prohibitions on Monopolies
Publication -Policy Studies -This paper reviews the constitutional issues involved with certificate of need laws and argues how such laws allow governments to establish monopolies. -
The Arizona Medicaid Expansion Experience
Publication -Policy Studies -The study debunks the idea that employer insurance plans are subsidizing the uninsured through cost shifting. -
Hospital Network Competition and Adverse Selection: Evidence From the Massachusetts health Insurance Exchange
Publication -Policy Studies -Mark Shepard looks at date in the Boston health care market to show how insurers are restricting their networks. -
Renewable Term Health Insurance: Better Coverage Than Obamacare
Publication -Policy Studies -Chris Pope of the Manhattan Institute makes the case of how so-called "short-term" insurance plans are not "junk insurance" and how expansion of access will not leave the federal government with a bigger bill to take care of the sick. -
Healthcare Innovations in Georgia: Two Recommendations
Publication -Policy Studies -The study looks at what health care innovations under Section 1332 waivers would be worthwhile for the State of Georgia. -
How to Prevent the Premature Retirement of Coal-Fired Power Plants
Publication -Policy Studies -The eight-year tenure of the Obama administration inflicted intentional, serious damage on the country’s capacity to provide the electricity that runs our computers, heats, cools, and lights our homes, powers our factories, and fuels our economy. -
Public Policy and Coal-Fired Power Plants
Publication -Policy Studies -Why would anyone scrap perfectly good high-quality computers, smartphones, or cars for more costly, lower quality, and less reliable products? Yet, that is exactly what policymakers do when they push coal-fired power plants into early retirement. -
A Critique of the U.S. Global Change Research Program’s 2017 Climate Science Special Report
Publication -Policy Studies -This Heartland Policy Study critiques and rebuts the “Climate Science Special Report” released by the U.S. Global Change Research Program in November 2017. It refutes the earlier report’s assumption that “the science is settled” and exposes its biases. -
How Obama-Era Regulations Are Shutting Down Perfectly Good Power Plants
Publication -Policy Studies -Coal has been a mainstay of economic growth and human well-being in the United States for more than a century. -
How the Premature Retirement of Coal-Fired Power Plants Affects Energy Reliability, Affordability
Publication -Policy Studies -More than 250 coal-fired power plants in the United States have been retired since 2010, and more are scheduled to be retired. The premature retirement of these coal-fired units poses a threat to the country’s electricity supply. -
Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators
Publication -Policy Studies -This 2017 study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development provides information and trends on education. -
Air Quality and Industrial Sand (Frac Sand) Mining
Publication -Policy Studies -This Heartland Policy Study examines the best available scientific data on the effects of industrial sand mining on air quality, concluding those operations do not pose a threat to human health or the environment. -
Comprehensive Regulatory Control and Oversight of Industrial Sand (Frac Sand) Mining
Publication -Policy Studies -Industrial silica sand mining is governed by a comprehensive regulatory apparatus established to protect human and environmental health from the potential impacts of all industrial activities, including industrial sand mining. -
Trends in College Pricing 2016
Publication -Policy Studies -A report by The College Board examining college and university costs in 2016-17, including how prices have changed, and variance between types of institutions, states, and regions.