Policy Tip Sheets
Carbon Capture and Storage Projects: The Threat To Property Rights
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of the latest methods climate activists are using to combat greenhouse gases and achieve “net-zero” carbon dioxide emissions. Government-funded CCS companies manage projects that capture CO2 emissions at their source and condense carbon dioxide into a liquid-like “supercritical” state. The liquified CO2 is then transported through pipelines or […] -
Why Voters and Policymakers Must Oppose Ranked Choice Voting
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Ranked choice voting does not solve any problems; it exacerbates existing problems while also creating entirely new ones. Ultimately, ranked choice voting poses an immense threat to free, fair, and secure elections—and therefore to the entire republic. -
Policy Tip Sheet: Prohibiting State Procurement of Electric Vehicles Produced by Forced Labor and Child Labor
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Electric vehicles (EVs) are powered by lithium-ion batteries, which can only be manufactured with rare earth elements. Despite their name, rare earth elements are not rare; rather, they are found in low concentrations. This means that rare earth elements are much more difficult to extract than other metals and minerals. Moreover, it is very difficult […] -
New European Union ESG Law Will Eliminate Economic Freedom, Individual Liberty, and U.S. Sovereignty
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -If the CSDDD goes unanswered, America will effectively become a vassal state of the European Union and be fundamentally transformed through corporate coercion. -
The Uniform Law Commission’s Public-Health Emergency Authority Act: A Severe Threat to Democratic Institutions and Individual Liberty
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -The Uniform Law Commission (ULC) has drafted a model bill—the Public-Health Emergency Authority Act (PHEAA)—that would both formally institutionalize the executive emergency powers wielded by state governors during the COVID-19 pandemic while also significantly strengthening them. -
Expanding School Choice Benefits All Students
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Over the past decade and particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of American families have become dissatisfied with government-run public schools and desire robust school choice options. During the pandemic, most public schools, at the behest of teacher unions, decided to close their doors for in-person learning. Meanwhile, private and parochial schools generally […] -
Election-Related Deepfakes: Understanding the Threat and Exploring Potential Solutions
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Election-related deepfakes involving audio, photo, and video manipulations have become a significant concern in the digital age. Deepfakes use artificial intelligence (AI) to create convincing but false representations of individuals, making them appear to say or do things they never said or did. These manipulations pose significant threats to the integrity of public debate and […] -
Ensuring Students Learn the Truth About Communism
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -For decades, the public education system in the United States has failed to accurately teach generations of American students about communism. Even worse, a new movement is afoot in middle schools and high schools in which vulnerable children are being indoctrinated with pro-socialist propaganda and neo-Marxist rhetoric. The infiltration of academia by socialist sympathizers goes […] -
Revising Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code to Protect Americans’ Property Rights
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Important provisions in Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) contain highly problematic elements that undermine Americans’ individual rights and threaten the stability of the U.S. economy. This Tip Sheet will provide a brief description of those troubling areas of the UCC and propose a set of related concrete policy solutions for lawmakers. The […] -
Revising the Uniform Commercial Code to Protect Americans’ Property Rights and Impede a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Important provisions in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) contain highly problematic elements that undermine Americans’ individual rights and threaten the stability of the U.S. economy. This Tip Sheet will provide a brief description of those troubling areas of the UCC and propose a set of related concrete policy solutions for lawmakers. The UCC was created […] -
Farmer Protection Act Would Protect States’ Agriculture Sectors from ESG
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -ESG Basics Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores are the chief mechanism by which ideologically aligned influential interests and powerful institutions working through unelected supranational organizations are attempting to “reset” the global financial system to their advantage. At its core, this emerging design circumvents national sovereignty, free markets, and individual rights by altering traditional financial […] -
Mail-in Voter Fraud Was Rampant in 2020: Here’s How to Stop It in Future Elections
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -In November and December of 2023, The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports conducted a landmark survey of voters, which former President Donald Trump called “the biggest story of the year” and “the most important poll released in the last 20 years.” According to the results of the survey, a massive number of voters who cast […] -
Central Bank Digital Currencies and the Uniform Commercial Code
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have only recently become a widely discussed topic among influential figures in academia, media, and public policy institutions. However, initiatives to implement CBDCs around the globe have existed for years, especially in countries with autocratic governments, such as China and Russia. As of September 2023, 131 countries have said they […] -
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): A Basic Primer
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have only recently become a widely discussed topic among influential figures in academia, media, and public policy institutions. However, initiatives to implement CBDCs around the globe have existed for years, especially in countries with autocratic governments, such as China and Russia. As of September 2023, 131 countries have explored CBDCs. […] -
Renters’ Second Amendment Rights Are in Danger. Here’s How to Protect Them
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Since the Great Recession, the total number and percentage of U.S. renters has hit an all-time high.1 Moreover, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates several times since the start of 2022, making owning a home, considered by many to be “the American dream,” unattainable for millions. Due to these and other extenuating circumstances, more […] -
AI in Banking: The Threats to Liberty and Opportunities for Innovation
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Artificial intelligence (AI), automation powered by AI, advanced algorithms, and other emerging technologies are changing the landscape of the global financial services industry, including in the United States. AI offers numerous benefits to financial companies seeking to lower costs and provide speedier decisions for consumers and other businesses, but it also comes with significant threats […] -
AI in Criminal Justice: Reasons for Concern and Recommendations for the Future
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Artificial intelligence (AI), automation powered by AI, advanced algorithms, and other emerging technologies are now being used in criminal courts across the United States, raising serious concerns about civil rights and the trustworthiness of these tools. Mapping Pretrial Injustice, a website created by the Movement Alliance Project and MediaJustice, notes that “most states” now use […] -
AI and ESG: How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Designed to Advance Left-Wing Goals
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Over the next decade, artificial intelligence (AI), automation powered by AI, and other emerging technologies will play an increasingly larger role in the global economy. The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) estimates “between 400 million and 800 million individuals could be displaced by automation and need to find new jobs by 2030 around the world, based […] -
Foreign Ownership of U.S. Agricultural Land: Outlining the Biggest Problems and Potential Solutions
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -In recent years, America has experienced a remarkable trend: foreign individuals and corporations have been amassing millions of additional acres of U.S. agricultural land. Although some organizations have downplayed the significance of this development, there are substantial economic, national security, and freedom-related reasons policymakers should be deeply concerned. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture […] -
Energy at a Glance: Coal Power
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Quick Bullets: Coal is formed when plant debris from mostly swampy areas is gradually buried, compacted over millions of years, and made into rock by heat and pressure deep underground. In a coal power plant, coal is burned and used to make steam, which turns a turbine and produces electricity. Coal generated 35 percent of […] -
Energy at a Glance: Fracking for Oil and Natural Gas
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -For the full PDF of this policy tip sheet, click here. Quick Bullets: Hydraulic fracturing, aka “fracking,” is a method for recovering oil and gas from unconventional fossil fuel reservoirs. It involves creating fissures in a rock formation in order to stimulate oil or gas movement through a reservoir that may otherwise have been difficult […] -
Biden Energy Policies Cost U.S. Households More Than $2,300 Since 2021
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Energy prices have continued to rise under President Joe Biden’s radical energy and climate agenda. -
6 Facts Every Lawmaker Needs to Know About the 2022 UCC Amendments and Central Bank Digital Currencies
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -In July 2022, the Uniform Law Commission and American Law Institute approved new amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). As the Uniform Law Commission states, “The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a comprehensive set of laws governing all commercial transactions in the United States. It is not a federal law, but a uniformly adopted […] -
Energy at a Glance: Geothermal Power Economics
Publication -Policy Tip Sheets -Geothermal plants produce 0.4 percent of the utility-scale electricity in the United States. The United States also produces the most electricity from geothermal plants in the world. Geothermal power is a renewable energy source that provides dispatchable, constant power, and is not dependent upon weather conditions. Expansion of geothermal energy use at the utility scale […]