Research and Commentaries
The Case for the Flat Tax
Publication -Research and Commentaries -A simpler, fairer, and flatter tax system would reduce or eliminate many of these problems and lead to more economic growth, many analysts believe. -
No Child Left Behind – The Debate Over Reauthorization
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Across the country, school is back in session. Will No Child Left Behind (NCLB) be re-enrolled? NCLB was initiated in 2001 with bipartisan support and was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002. -
Evidence-Based Medicine
Publication -Research and Commentaries -The relationship between doctors and their patients is very special. -
Wind Energy
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Kermit the Frog said “it’s not easy being green.” But Kermit didn’t know how easy it would be to appear green. -
Federal Excise Tax on Tobacco
Publication -Research and Commentaries -What does children’s health insurance have to do with tobacco tax? That is the question some policymakers are asking as new revenue is sought for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). -
Gasoline Prices
Publication -Research and Commentaries -This summer, gasoline prices continue to climb- in some areas, to nearly $4 per gallon. -
Virtual Schools
Publication -Research and Commentaries -New technologies are changing and improving many aspects of our daily lives, from our jobs to our health, our hobbies, and even how we stay in touch with family and friends. The Internet, as they say, “changes everything. -
Medicaid Reform
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Between 1970 and 2002 government expenditures on health care rose by 690 percent, and if current trends hold, by the year 2050 those expenditures will account for one-third of U.S. gross domestic product. -
Modernizing Insurance Regulation
Publication -Research and Commentaries -The McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 ushered in the current era of state regulation of the insurance industry. -
Special-Needs Vouchers
Publication -Research and Commentaries -This collection of articles explores how special-needs vouchers are a better way of providing children with physical and mental disability the quality education they deserve. -
Charter Schools
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Those concerned with reforming America’s public education system are compelled by three goals: parents want their children to receive a quality education, educators want the tools and flexibility to teach, and school boards and governments demand -
State Children’s Health Insurance Program
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Created in 1997, SCHIP provides health insurance coverage for families with too much income to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough income to afford private insurance. -
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Congress created the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) in 1997 to provide a safety net for children whose parents could not afford private health insurance. -
Subprime Lending
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Today, The Heartland Institute is releasing a new Research & Commentary package addressing subprime lending. Lawmakers are being called upon by consumer groups to restrict subprime lending. -
Subprime Lending
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Today, The Heartland Institute is releasing a new Research & Commentary package addressing subprime lending. Lawmakers are being called upon by consumer groups to restrict subprime lending. -
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Ethanol and other biofuels increasingly are becoming controversial. Supporters of ethanol cite its potential to decrease our dependence on oil from the Mideast while also providing a cleaner and cheaper fuel alternative for consumers. -
Excise Taxes – Focus on Michigan’s Liquor Taxes
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Alcohol, beer, tobacco, and other items have become big targets of tax-hiking lawmakers in recent years. -
The Great Lakes Compact
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Some environmental groups champion the Great Lakes Compact as an important way to protect water resources in the region. However, they overlook the compact’s profound negative impact on business and residents. -
Research & Commentary: Retail Health Clinics
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Some critics claim these clinics sacrifice quality for expediency, and collectively pose a threat to high standards of care offered in a traditional doctor’s office setting. -
Research & Commentary: Utah’s Parent Choice in Education Act
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Today, The Heartland Institute is releasing a Research & Commentary package addressing school choice, using Utah's Parent Choice in Education Act as a case study. -
Gross Receipts Taxes
Publication -Research and Commentaries -Today, The Heartland Institute is releasing a Research & Commentary package addressing gross receipts taxes.A gross receipts tax imposes a levy on all business transactions, regardless of a firm's profits or losses. -
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards
Publication -Research and Commentaries -In his State of the Union Address on January 23, 2007, President George W. Bush promised to modernize fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks. This Research & Commentary package collects key background articles on the subject. -
Education Funding Reform In Illinois
Publication -Research and Commentaries -In Illinois, local public schools are funded primarily through local property taxes.