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Socialism Causes, Not Cures Poverty
Justin Haskins
Fox News
Although Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Comrade Bernie are not authoritarians like the Soviets or communists in China, they advance the same dangerous Marxist ideas.
Alarmists Dial Back Dire Scenarios
Anthony Watts
American Spectator
A comment published last week in Nature has thrown a monkey wrench into hundreds of studies and media stories that previously predicted dire climate consequences in the future.
We Need Term Limits
Chris Talgo
The Hill
Eighty-four of the 535 members of Congress who weighed in on Trump’s impeachment were there for Clinton’s, too. It’s time we heed Jefferson’s call for “rotation in office.”
Advances in Artificial Intelligence
Host: Edward Hudgins
Guest: Peter Voss
Artificial Intelligence is in our future. Peter Voss, Founder of SmartAction and CEO/Chief Scientist of AGI Innovations, Inc. shares his journey in developing AI further along.
Federal Appliance Mandates
Host: H. Sterling Burnett
Guest: Jeffrey Tucker
Federal energy and water efficiency mandates result in appliances that don’t work as well as those in the past, and wind up using more resources and costing more money that promised.
Medicaid Out of Control
Host: AM Schieber
Guest: Brian Blase
Medicaid has ballooned into a $600 billion a year program, a 12-fold increase over the last 30 years. Scholar Brian Blase explains how that happened, and what we should do about it.
Fracking Ban Scuppers US Economy
Peter Ferrara
Epoch Times
Bernie Sanders proposed fracking ban could devastate one of the most prosperous stories in recent American economic history and destroy this country’s energy independence.
Carbon ‘Social Cost’ is Positive
Bette Grande
American Spectator
A new study raises serious questions about the most-popular models on the social cost of carbon and finds that CO2 emissions have resulted in net positive benefits for society.
Biden’s Stealth Student Loan Cancellation
Justin Haskins
The Hill
“Moderate” Joe Biden has proposed his own costly debt cancellation plan on the campaign trail, showing just how close he is to radicals like Sanders and Warren.
Chicago’s Progressive Mayor Abhors Progress
Chris Talgo
Freedom Pub
Apparently, Mayor Lori Lightfoot is willing to cast aside her progressive values to tackle the city’s out-of-control debt by nickel and diming her constituents.
Challenge Tech to Side with Liberty
Edward Hudgins
CNS News
Tech companies should stand up for an open society and open exchange of ideas, not censorship and the centralization of power for the best interests of the world.
NY Commission Patrols Prada
Chris Talgo
The wokeness gestapo at the New York City Commission on Human Rights flexed their muscle on fashion producer Prada, dictating how their business should be run.
Flavors Not Reason Youth Vape
Lindsey Stroud
Research & Commentary
In 2019, only 10 percent of Vermont high school students that were current e-cigarette users cited the availability of flavors as a primary reason for e-cigarette use.
100 Percent Renewable is Impossible
David Wojick
Though many environmentalists and politicians desire it, generating all of America’s electric power through wind and solar facilities is an expensive pipedream.
Animal Welfare and Economics
Daniel Sutter
The Heartland Institute
While many agree that animals should be treated humanely, the call to ban meat would devastate agricultural development and, ironically, kill many animals.