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Free-Market Tech is the Future
Sarah Lee
Success in the modern world depends on adaptation to new technologies. Nowhere is this more evident than in the field of health care.
Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Battle
Allen Mendenhall
The Hill
Trump’s Supreme Court nominee took the Left by storm. What should we expect in the upcoming confirmation fight?
More Freedom for Sportsmen
H. Sterling Burnett
Gunpowder Magazine
Sportsmen are now able to hunt and fish without undue restrictions, and nature-lovers are able to enjoy the great outdoors more fully thanks to Ryan Zinke.
The Vaping Boom
Hosts: Jim Lakely and Lindsey Stroud
Guest: Tevi Troy
JUUL’s vice president for public policy talks about the rapid growth and popularity of his companies devices, and the dangers government regulation poses to the vaping industry.
After the Janus Ruling
Host: Lennie Jarratt
Guest: Mark Mix
The president of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation talks about the impacts of the landmark Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court ruling.
Fracking Is Miracle Technology
Host: H. Sterling Burnett
Guest: Tim Benson
Fracking is making U.S. energy dominant, providing millions of jobs, lowering energy costs, and improving the environment.
Time to Reassess Affirmative Action?
Chris Talgo
Daily Tribune
Education rewards should be entirely merit based. Affirmative action is on the chopping block and it’s time we got rid of this racist program once and for all.
Tobacco Funds Fill Government Coffers
Lindsey Stroud
American Spectator
Funds paid out to the government in the Master Settlement Agreement are not being used for their intended purpose of helping people quit.
Illinois Has Failed Yet Again
Chris Talgo and Lennie Jarratt
Truth in Accounting’s latest “Financial State of the States” rankings placed Illinois in 49th place. It was labeled a “Sinkhole State” and earned a financial grade of “F.”
Skeptics More Eco-Friendly
Kenneth Artz
Environment & Climate News
A new study shows Americans who are skeptical climate change are more eco-friendly than those who say they are very concerned about global warming.
Undermining E-Commerce
Edward Hudgins
Budget & Tax News
Requiring the U.S. Postal Service to increase shipping rates for package deliveries would add to the already increasing burden on consumers and small business owners.
‘Contributing to’ … Foolish Words
Steve Goreham
Every day we see more articles that something is “contributing to” global warming. News flash: everything we do “contributes” to changing the climate.