A significant linear relationship was found between the average air temperature in a solar cycle and the length of the previous solar cycle for 12 out of 13 weather stations in Norway and in the North Atlantic, as well as for 60 European stations and for the HadCRUT3N database. And in the case of Norway and the other European stations, the authors of this study report that “the solar contribution to the temperature variations in the period investigated is of the order 40%,” while “an even higher contribution (63-72%) is found for stations at the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Svalbard,” which they note is considerably “higher than the 7% attributed to the sun for the global temperature rise in AR4 (IPCC, 2007)”… Read More
An Astronomically-Based Decadal-Scale Climate Model vs. All of the IPCC (2007) General Circulation Models of the Atmosphere (27 November 2012)
Which fares the best, when compared with real-world climate changes of the past century and a half? The results obtained in the present study “reinforce previous claims that the relevant physical mechanisms that explain the detected climatic cycles are still missing in the current GCMs”… Read More
Symbiont Shuffling in Corals: Is it Rare or Widespread? (27 November 2012)
The future of Earth’s coral reefs may well be brighter than expected, as the authors of this study find that “the potential for reef corals to adapt or acclimatize to environmental change via symbiont community shifts may … be more phylogenetically widespread than has previously been assumed”… Read More
Confirmed Greening of the Arctic Tundra (27 November 2012)
Newly-analyzed plot-scale data confirm the findings of prior satellite assessments of the vegetative transformation of earth’s northernmost collection of landscapes over the past three decades… Read More
How Unusual Was 20th-Century Global Warming? (28 November 2012)
Climate alarmists routinely describe it as having been unprecedented. In reality, however similar 20th-century-type global warmings occurred multiple times over the course of the Holocene, and that it was significantly exceeded many more times during the glacial period that preceded it. And, of course, none of those earlier “regime changes” was associated with atmospheric CO2 concentration changes anywhere near what occurred over the 20th century… Read More
Intertidal Seastars’ Responses to Ocean Warming and Acidification (28 November 2012)
Can they take the heat and the low pH values predicted for the end of the century by the IPCC? There is a good probability the answer is yes!… Read More
Holocene Temperature Histories of Northern and Southern Norway (28 November 2012)
It is obvious that there is nothing unusual, unnatural or unprecedented about present-day temperatures in both Northern and Southern Norway, in contradiction of climate-alarmist claims to the contrary regarding Earth’s current climatic state… Read More
How Sensitive are Atmosphere-Ocean GCMs: Their Response to a Radiative “Push” (28 November 2012)
Olivé et al. (2012) examine short and long-term radiative forcing as it influences the global mean surface temperature, and they study a measure of sensitivity for the climate models. Using relatively short-term runs produced by coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation models, they included sudden and gradual increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration. They found that their results were consistent with those of others, but there were some large model-to-model differences…. Read More