Joy Pullmann, education research fellow for The Heartland Institute, will testify before the Michigan State House Education Committee in opposition to the national Common Core education standards.
What: Michigan House Education Committee Hearing on Common Core education
Where: Room 519, House Office Building, Lansing, Michigan
When: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at 10 a.m.
Who: Joy Pullmann, The Heartland Institute; Michael McShane, American Enterprise Institute; Dr. William Schmidt, professor, Michigan State University; Dr. Larry Arnn, president, Hillsdale College
Pullmann is among the leading experts in the nation on the Common Core education standards, having testified before several state legislatures, including appearances this year in Alaska, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
“Lawmakers, business leaders, and the public must understand there is simply no evidence on which to base claims bandied about here in Michigan that Common Core standards are necessary to improve learning. None,” says Pullmann in her prepared remarks for the Michigan hearing.
“When people such as members of the Detroit Free Press editorial board, Jeb Bush, or business leaders for Michigan, state that Common Core will benefit children, you must demand they provide evidence. They have none, besides
talking points sponsored by the Gates Foundation and the federal government (yes, both have paid for Common Core public relations campaigns). It would insult religion to call Common Core a matter of blind faith.”
Pullmann will be available for reporters’ questions after the hearing. To schedule an interview before or after the hearing, please contact Heartland Institute Director of Communications Jim Lakely at [email protected] or
312/377-4000 and 312/731-9364.
The Heartland Institute is a 29-year-old national nonprofit organization headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. For more information, visit our Web site or call 312/377-4000.