Heartland Institute Experts Comment on President Obama’s Proposed Oil Tax
Opinion -Press Release -President Barack Obama has proposed a tax of $10 on every barrel of oil as part of his 2017 budget. The proceeds, says the White House, will go toward transportation projects and to fund the president’s climate change programs. -
Heartland Institute Experts Comment on the Indiana Senate Passing Convention of States Resolution
Opinion -Press Release -The Indiana state senate approved Senate Joint Resolution 14 (SJR 14) on Wednesday by a 34–16 vote. SJR 14 is Indiana’s application for an Article V convention backed by Convention of States. -
Heartland Institute Experts Comment on Florida’s Move to Impose Congressional Term Limits
Opinion -Press Release -State Would Invoke an Article V Convention of the States to Rein in CongressThe Florida House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a resolution calling for an Article V convention for the purpose of imposing term limits on members of Congress. -
Heartland Institute Experts Comment on Petition to Halt President Obama’s ‘Clean Power Plan’
Opinion -Press Release -A group of 27 states and state agencies – as well as the Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Manufacturers, and a dozen other groups and associations – is petitioning the U.S. -
Heartland Institute Experts React to Obama’s Last State of the Union Address
Opinion -Press Release -President Barack Obama on Tuesday night delivered his final State of the Union Address, touching on climate change, energy policy, education, health care, the economy, and his legacy after nearly two terms in the White House. -
Heartland Institute Experts Comment on Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association Case Before Supreme Court
Opinion -Press Release -Heartland Institute Experts Comment on Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association Case Before Supreme CourtThe U.S. Supreme Court today heard arguments in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association. -
Heartland Institute Experts Comment on the 2015 Worst University President Rankings
Opinion -Press Release -This week, Minding the Campus issued its 2015 rankings of the five worst college and university presidents in the country. -
Heartland Institute Experts Comment on Release of the 2015 Judicial Hellholes Report
Opinion -Press Release -The American Tort Reform Association on Monday released its 2015 Judicial Hellholes report ranking the state of California worst, citing a legal environment that favors trial lawyers over businesses. -
PRESS RELEASE: Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming
Opinion -Press Release -Today, on the first day of the United Nations’ twenty-first conference of the parties COP-21 taking place in Paris, a new book emphatically rejects claims of a “scientific consensus” on the causes and consequences of climate change. -
Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming
Opinion -Press Release -The authors are three prominent climate scientists affiliated with the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). The book is titled ‘Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming: The NIPCC Report on Consensus.’ -
Heartland Policy Brief: Exposing the ‘Merchants of Smear’
Opinion -Press Release -Media’s Smear of Global Warming Skeptics Traces Back to ‘Paper-Thin’ Evidence Peddled by Al Gore, Ross Gelbspan -
PRESS RELEASE: Heartland Institute Reacts to U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Greenhouse Gases
Opinion -Press Release -The United States Supreme Court ruled today against six states that sought standing to sue sources of greenhouse gas emissions for their contributions to global warming under federal common law. The court ruled 8–0 in American Electric Power Co. v. -
Harrison Schmitt Joins Heartland Institute Board of Directors
Opinion -Press Release -Harrison Schmitt, former astronaut and U.S. Senator, joined The Heartland Institute's board of directors on January 28, 2010.