Escape from the Public Schools
Opinion -When I debated Keith Geiger, president of the National Education Association, a couple of years ago on the Larry King radio show, he used a verb that I thought epitomized the battle over school choice: escape. -
Getting More Bang for our Education Buck
Opinion -The United States now spends more per student on public elementary and secondary education than any other advanced country belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). -
We Spend Too Much on Education, and Get Too Little
Opinion -Why does the world's most productive country have the world's least productive school system? The U.S. -
The High Cost of Rationing Literacy
Opinion -The most recent National Assessment of Education Progress reading test reports that 30 percent of high school seniors, 31 percent of eighth graders, and 42 percent of fourth graders couldn't reach "basic" reading levels. -
Lessons Must Be Learned from Voucher Bill Defeat
Opinion -"Too much of what ultimately matters in a child s education is decided on the basis of political muscle by groups whose primary interest is not necessarily the child. -
‘The Solution’ to Public Education Woes
Opinion -I recently received a letter from the former superintendent of a public school system in Illinois. -
Revitalizing Public Education in Illinois
Opinion -There is no more important issue today than the education of our children. -
Educational Choice: It Really Works in Vermont
Opinion -Since 1869, Vermont has had an educational choice system for students from towns that do not maintain their own public schools or belong to union school districts. -
Michigan’s Teacher Bargaining Law: A Model for Illinois
Opinion -All across America, parents and local school boards are wrestling with a growing problem--the political and economic clout of teacher unions. One state--Michigan- -has finally done something about it. -
Property Tax Relief Should Drive School Reform
Opinion -Assembly Speaker Walter Kunicki and his legislative colleagues are reaping praise these days for what some have portrayed as a bold stroke of innovative policy making. -
School Choice: Church vs. State
Opinion -Nationwide pressure for school choice shows people now doubt that "public education" can happen only in schools owned and operated by the government. -
Competition, Not Money, Works Wonders in Education
Opinion -About three decades ago, the Johnson Administration commissioned the outstanding social scientist James S. Coleman to prove that America's public schools needed more tax dollars.