Partners in Liberty: The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)

Published February 4, 2020

The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) was founded in 1985 to promote a positive, alternative voice on environmental and development issues within the United States and internationally.

Pro-Liberty, Pro-Science

With a strong focus on educating the public, CFACT takes its pro-science message to college campuses across the United States. Having influenced thousands of students since its Collegians program was founded in 2003, CFACT has helped shape the leaders of tomorrow by teaching them to fight for truth and liberty.

Free speech and honest science are under constant attack at our nation’s institutions of higher education. CFACT provides students a positive alternative to alarmist propaganda by hosting influential speakers, organizing dynamic field trips, arranging informative documentary screenings, leading stewardship initiatives, and giving students the opportunity to testify to government bodies.

Our Collegians networks have hosted speakers like Ben Shapiro at the University of Minnesota and former congressman Ron Paul at Syracuse University. Through powerful testimony, CFACT student leaders successfully convinced the West Virginia Board of Education to teach both sides of climate science. CFACT-affiliated college leaders in Pennsylvania brought dozens of students to fracking operations to help them learn the safety inherit in extracting natural gas. Collegians from Seattle University, Texas A&M University, the University of Hartford in Connecticut, and Vanderbilt University in Tennessee led litter clean-up initiatives, putting stewardship into action and showing the radical greens what it really means to do something constructive for the environment.

It is CFACT’s mission to combat the outright lies and disinformation the Left propagates at ivory towers across the United States, and every year our impressive network of Collegians leaders grows bigger, teaching young people free-market capitalism, technology, and property rights hold the keys to solving environmental problems—not socialism.

Multiple Platforms

CFACT is a registered nongovernmental organization with the United Nations (UN), sending representatives every year around the world to expose the radical agenda of UN delegates aiming to bring socialism through climate and “sustainability” policies.

CFACT also produces films to combat environmental disinformation. CFACT’s first movie, Climate Hustle (2016), was featured in more than 600 theaters around the country, claiming the number one spot in the United States for its one-night showing. CFACT’s next film, Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Monarchy, narrated by Kevin Sorbo, will also be featured in at least 600 theaters across America, premiering April 21, 2020. It will expose the hypocrisy of Leftist elites who get rich from climate and environmental policies they promote.

Through CFACT’s climate information service Climate Depot, edited by Marc Morano, and our new “Conservation Nation” YouTube series highlighting unsung heroes of conservation, CFACT is building an ever-growing arsenal of truth tellers to reach more and more people around the world with its pro-freedom, pro-nature message.