EPA Accused of Using Secret Email Accounts to Avoid Transparency

Published November 19, 2012

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson must not have gotten the memo about the Barack Obama administration would be the most open and transparent presidential administration ever. 

The House Science, Space and Technology Committee is investigating whether U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson is conducting official business using secret email accounts. If true, this would not only make a mockery of Obama’s transparency pledge, it may also violate federal law.

Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Christopher Horner alerted Congress of the potential misuse of email accounts for government business after reviewing EPA misconduct while researching his new book, “The Liberal War on Transparency.”

Horner uncovered evidence top EPA officials may be using fictitious names and email addresses to skirt transparency and freedom of information laws. Sources say such EPA misconduct may have occurred as far back as the Clinton administration, and appears to continue today.

Reps. Ralph Hall (R-TX), Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Lamar Smith (R-TX), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Paul Broun (R-GA) and Andy Harris (R-MD) sent a letter to Obama administration officials demanding information about record-keeping policies by EPA and the Obama administration. Jackson and the Obama administration have yet to respond.