Education Savings Accounts Catching On in Additional States
Opinion -Education Savings Accounts were first approved in Arizona in 2012 as a statewide reform. An ESA program underwent a fast implementation process in Florida in 2014, where this year 1,600 students received funds. -
Debunking An Old Myth
Opinion -I occasionally run into people who express some variation of the argument "without benefit mandates on insurance companies, they'd sell policies that don't cover cancer. -
Illinois Lawmakers Propose Penny Tax on Candy, Soda
Opinion -After their idea met with overwhelming disapproval in 2014, two Chicago-area lawmakers are again attempting to impose sin taxes and licensing requirements on the sale of sugary snacks and drinks, purportedly to discourage people from satisfying their -
Merchants of Doubt a Huge Flop at the Box Office
Opinion -The invaluable site for movie buffs who are also interested in the box-office business of film is BoxOfficeMojo. That site reports that “Merchants of Doubt” has earned $23,300 in the four theaters in which it opened on Friday. -
Sloan Kettering Corrects E-Cigarette Study
Opinion -Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center researchers, led by first-author Sarah Borderud, claimed on September 22, 2014, that e-cigarettes did not help cancer patients quit smoking (media story here). -
Governor’s Report: NY Schools Are Failing
Opinion -New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is responding to a report on his state’s failing public education system by seeking implementation of several new measures. -
Iowa Coalition: Reform Pensions Now, Avoid Pension Problems Later
Opinion -A grassroots coalition of activists is pressing Iowa lawmakers to begin work on reforming the state’s five public pension programs and eliminate those programs’ unfunded liabilities. -
Concerns Cloud Obama Colorado Canyon “Monument” Designation
Opinion -Bypassing Congress, the Obama administration designated three new areas as “National Monuments.”In February President Obama designated three new national monuments. -
CPS Officials Pressured to Administer PARCC Tests
Opinion -Chicago Public Schools officials announced they will administer the Common Core-aligned tests to all students, after attempting to limit the tests to a small group of students for the first year of testing. -
Even Obamacare Website Calls the Tax Penalty a ‘Fine’ and a ‘Fee’
Opinion -On June 28, 2012, Chief Justice John Roberts announced his vote to uphold the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) individual mandate provision, siding with the Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) liberal cohort to obtain a 5–4 vote in favor of the Obama administration in -
Gold Stars for Pushing Global Warming Folly
Opinion -Organizing For Action (OFA) is a non-profit and community organizing project formed after President Obama’s 2012 re-election to promote his agenda. -
Heartland Institute President Rips Senators for Repeating Lies about Climate Scientists
Opinion -Joseph Bast responds sharply to letter asking for detailed accounting of Heartland’s funding CHICAGO (March 11, 2015) – Heartland Institute President Joseph Bast says Democratic U.S. Sens. -
Louisiana Governor’s Lawsuit Against DOE Proceeds
Opinion -A federal judge ruled Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s (R) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education regarding Common Core will proceed. The judge denied a motion by the Department of Justice to dismiss the case. -
Oklahoma Lawmaker to Rework AP History Bill
Opinion -Oklahoma legislators are reworking a bill which would grant authority to the State Board of Education to replace national Advanced Placement history curriculum and testing. HB 1380 was introduced by Rep. Dan Fisher (R-El Reno). -
Senate Rejects Wind PTC Extension
Opinion -In a setback for wind energy producers, the U.S. Senate rejected a proposal to grant a five-year extension to the controversial wind production tax credit.By a margin of 51-47, the Senate on January 29 defeated an amendment by Sen. -
Three Potential Paths Post-Obamacare Ruling
Opinion -consumer-power-report -Consumer Power Report #454There are three paths Congress could take if the Supreme Court strikes down much of the Obamacare insurance exchange subsidy system in King v. Burwell. -
Congress Proposes Relaxing Sea Lion Protections
Opinion -The Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act, a proposed amendment to the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act, could soon give tribal members and government fishery managers in the Columbia River Basin authority to kill sea lions -
Senate Agrees: Climate Change No Hoax
Opinion -An unusual event happened in the oft-divided U.S Senate on January 21. By a nearly unanimous vote of 98 to 1, the senators agreed on an amendment concerning climate change.During discussion of Keystone XL Pipeline legislation, Sen. -
Win-Win on Obamacare Costs
Opinion -The Congressional Budget Office believes taxpayers won't have to shell out nearly as much money for Obamacare as previously predicted:Health-care law will cost taxpayers less than expected, CBO saysPresident Obama’s health-care law will cost taxpayers -
What Will Happen If Supreme Court Cuts ObamaCare Subsidies?
Opinion -The Obama Administration was apparently shocked when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of King v. Burwell, which challenges insurance subsidies flowing through federal Exchanges. -
UN Chief Resigns Under Fire in Sex Scandal
Opinion -Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN’s influential Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has resigned in the wake of allegations of sexual harassment. -
President Obama Spreads Climate Witch Hunt to Elected Officials
Opinion -Hot on the heels of the assault by Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey and Arizona Representative Raul Grijalva against climate change skeptic scientists by demanding their academic institutions reveal who is funding their work, President Barack Obama has -
House Embraces Regulatory Reform
Opinion -Responding to a wave of regulations issued or proposed by the Obama administration, the U.S. House of Representatives moved to rein in the White House by increasing congressional scrutiny of federal regulations. -
Here’s One Way to Kill Medicare Advantage
Opinion -Medicare Advantage is a fairly popular part of Medicare, allowing seniors to opt out of the conventional government-run system and instead select private coverage offered by health insurers.