Oregon Lawmaker Proposes Licensing Regulations for Music Therapists
Opinion -In Oregon, legislators are debating a bill adding state licensing requirements for music therapists. If passed into law, House Bill 2796, introduced by State Rep. -
Scientist Defends Dr. Wei-Hock ‘Willie’ Soon, Explains How Funding Really Works
Opinion -Colleague of Dr. Soon rips media, notes Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics knew about and approved his funding Dr. Robert M. “Bob” Carter, Ph.D. today released a public letter defending Dr. -
The Death of the American Corporation
Opinion -The traditional American corporation has been a fixture in the U.S. economy for generations. -
Climatist Jihad?
Opinion -ISIL and other Islamist jihad movements continue to round up and silence all who oppose them or refuse to convert to their extreme religious tenets. They are inspiring thousands to join them. -
Low Oil Prices Boost Economy
Opinion -A worldwide oil glut has caused the price of crude oil to fall below $50 a barrel since topping $100 a barrel in June. The price of gas at the pump has since averaged around $2. -
Report: States Bet on Medicaid Loophole to Boost Revenue
Opinion -A new study published by the Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions examines how some states, including Ohio, are trying to scam the federal government and make Medicaid expansion look like a winner, financially speaking. -
Left Launches Witch Hunt Against Climate Scientists
Opinion -In Februrary 2015, the Boston Globe, New York Times, and Washington Post ran stories repeating claims made by long-time Greenpeace staffer Kert Davies that Dr. -
Media Advisory: Statement by Dr. Willie Soon
Opinion -Dr. Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics released the following statement through The Heartland Institute in response to repeated attacks on his character and scientific integrity. -
Naomi Oreskes Warps Climate Skeptic History
Opinion -Harvard historian of science Naomi Oreskes is best known to climate realists for her 2010 screed Merchants of Doubt, but a short, obscure, error-riddled essay she wrote as a chapter in the book How Well Do Facts Travel? -
Solar Power Lobbyists Seek to Subvert Florida Tea Party
Opinion -After successfully pushing for $100 million in special interest Florida renewable energy subsidies, the solar power lobby hopes to subvert the Florida Tea Party and get it to work for still more government favoritism. -
Schneiderman’s Supplement Scam
Opinion -New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman made a shocking announcement earlier this month. He alleged that DNA tests his office commissioned found that about 80% of GNC supplements tested, including those sold as Ginkgo Biloba, St. -
Population Control Behind UN’s Agenda 21
Opinion -By Nancy Thorner and Bonnie O'Neil - Obama and UN seek to transformThe following commentary by Ben Zycher on the United Nations’ top climate change official, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate -
Left Launches Witch Hunt Against Climate Scientists
Opinion -New York Times, Boston Globe, and others help Greenpeace attack scientistswho disagree with its extreme views on global warming CHICAGO (March 1, 2015) — A week ago, the Boston Globe, New York Times, and Washington Post ran stories repeating claims made -
Will Agenda 21 Continue to go Forward Despite Proven Deception?
Opinion -By Nancy Thorner and Bonnie O'Neil Man-made climate change alarmists continue to be caught revising history. -
Market, Not Politics, Should Decide Indiana’s Nursing Home Choices
Opinion -Most people instinctively understand when government shelters companies from competition it is ultimately the consumer who suffers from higher prices, lower quality, or both. -
The real face of unemployment and underemployment
Opinion -Brian Perry is a college-educated law clerk who worked at the Providence, Rhode Island-based Lovett, Scheffrin, and Harnett law firm for more than 25 years before being laid off in 2008. -
Georgia Lawmaker Proposes Restrictions on Uber, Other Ridesharing Companies
Opinion -A Georgia lawmaker has introduced a bill to restrict popular ridesharing services such as Lyft and Uber from operating in the state. House Bill 224, by state Rep. -
Oregon Governor Resigns Amid Green Energy Scandal
Opinion -In the face of a growing pay-to-play green energy scandal, John Kitzhaber resigned as governor of Oregon effective February 18, only a month into his historic fourth term as the state’s chief executive. -
Florida Liberals, Conservatives Team Up for Solar
Opinion -If an odd coalition of environmentalists and conservative activists have any say in the matter, the sun may shine brighter on the solar industry in Florida.Florida has plenty of sunshine and people. -
Where Are the ‘Young Invincibles’?
Opinion -I've followed Obamacare in Rhode Island for a few years now, in large part because of my affiliation with a terrific free-market think tank there, the Rhode Island Center for Freedom & Prosperity. -
Sierra Club Misrepresents Itself Before New Mexico Legislature
Opinion -The Sierra Club engaged in ethical misconduct this morning, misrepresenting itself in hearings before the New Mexico House of Representatives Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee. -
U.N. Climate Chief Resigns amid Sex Scandal
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -U.N. Climate Chief Resigns amid Sex Scandal Climate Change Weekly #161 Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the United Nations’ influential Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has resigned in the wake of sexual harassment allegations. -
Hawaii Rejects Sugary Beverage Labeling, Tax
Opinion -Legislation in Hawaii requiring sugary beverages include warning labels was rejected by the Health Committee of the Hawaii House of Representatives after witnesses including many small businesses and consumers testified against the measure.