Nursing Home Moratorium Resurrected in Indiana
Opinion -The Indiana legislature is considering legislation introduced by State Sen. -
Republicans Propose Replacement for Obamacare
Opinion -Today Senators Orrin Hatch and Richard Burr, along with Representative Fred Upton, revealed their plan to replace Obamacare. It's too soon to call it "the" Republican replacement, especially since it hasn't been drafted as legislation, only as an outline. -
Kansas Schools Sue State Over Education Funding
Opinion -Kansas is the latest state to lose a funding battle between public schools and lawmakers. -
Where’s Our Refund for Climate Change Costs?
Opinion -A new report released by the White House shows Americans are overpaying for climate change reduction efforts, and considering scientific research shows average global temperatures have not risen significantly since 1998, maybe we should all get a refund. -
Slow Zone in Oil Fields
Opinion -Two technologies—hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking,” and horizontal drilling—have transformed the United States from an also-ran into a frontrunner in terms of energy production. -
Net Neutrality Bait And Switch To Title II
Opinion -Net neutrality and Title II FCC Internet regulation are not the same.Net neutrality is forward-looking, 21st century Internet freedom. Title II is backward-looking, 1934 government restrictions of a bygone telephone monopoly. -
FCC Set to Vote on Overriding States’ Muni Wi-Fi Bans
Opinion -President Barack Obama is pressing hard to expand taxpayer-funded government wireless access, calling for it in a January 14 speech in Cedar Falls, Iowa [2]and in his State of the Union address. -
Republicans Propose Replacement for Obamacare
Opinion -Today Senators Orrin Hatch and Richard Burr, along with Representative Fred Upton, revealed their plan to replace Obamacare. It's too soon to call it "the" Republican replacement, especially since it hasn't been drafted as legislation, only as an outline. -
Colorado Lawmaker Proposes Crackdown on Civil Forfeiture Abuse
Opinion -Responding to constituents’ concerns, a Colorado state lawmaker is aiming to rein in a controversial program allowing police to confiscate and sell citizens’ private property without search warrants or a criminal conviction. -
An Engaging Recipe for Revitalizing American Society
Opinion -Review of What Works: Common Sense Solutions for a Stronger America, by Cal Thomas, Zondervan Publishing House, 2014, 224 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0310339465, $14.29 on Amazon.com, http://www.amazon. -
Another court challenge to Obamacare?
Opinion -My collleague Justin Haskins, who is an editor here at Heartland, has an interesting article over at Breitbart today on yet another court case challening Obamacare.Could This Be the Case That Ends Obamacare? -
Heartland Institute Joins Coalition Opposing Federal Gas Tax Hike
Opinion -Record-low gasoline prices in recent months have spurred some members of Congress to begin proposing increasing the federal tax on gasoline. U.S. -
The Ghosts of Yalta Still Haunt the World
Opinion -Seventy years ago, during the week of February 4-11, 1945, the most momentous conference of the Second World War was held at Yalta in the Crimea between Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. -
Heartland Institute Experts React to Gov. Scott Walker’s Opposition to Common Core Testing
Opinion -On Tuesday night, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker proposed removing state funding for tests tied to Common Core State Standards, the so-called “Smarter Balanced” test public school students are slated to take to measure performance. -
Cromnibus Environmental Provisions Stymie Obama Environmental Efforts
Opinion -The 1,600-page “Cromnibus” —a blend of "omnibus" and "CR," short for "continuing resolution"— spending bill passed the lame duck Congress in mid-December and was signed into law by President Barack Obama just before Christmas. -
The Insane Vaccine Debate
Opinion -consumer-power-report -Consumer Power Report #451 The issue of mandatory vaccination is once again an item of debate in media circles given the recent outbreaks of measles and fueled this week by the continued inability of politicians to discuss vaccination policy without -
Teacher-Prep Programs Under Fire
Opinion -Teacher education programs are increasingly drawing scrutiny from both government agencies and nonprofit groups seeking better outcomes from U.S. public schools. -
Texas Savings Grant Program Could Save Billions
Opinion -Senate Bill 276, aiming to expand opportunities for Texas students through vouchers may pass into legislation this session after years of setbacks by school choice opponents. State Sen. -
I Come to Bury Renewable Fuel Standards
Opinion -They say politics makes strange bedfellows. In a perfect example, U.S. -
Will New AG Support Civil Forfeiture Reform?
Opinion -The Wednesday hearings on the confirmation of a new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, lasted hours because members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were often called away to vote. -
California School Uses Parent Trigger, District Spreads Rumors
Opinion -Parents in Anaheim, California are using the state’s Parent Trigger law to turn a chronically underperforming elementary school into a charter. -
Public-Sector Unions Shrinking, But Influence Remains Strong
Opinion -Despite decades of contraction, organized labor still has a disproportionately large voice in the government sector. Its influence presents real fiscal problems for states.According to data from the U.S. -
UN Global Poll: Climate Change Is Lowest Priority for Action
Opinion -As the UN-sponsored climate change conference in Lima, Peru drew to a close in mid-December, a poll by the United Nations and associated organizations showed millions of respondents around the world had little interest in action to address climate change.