New Climate Report Misses Point on US Cities
Opinion -The doubtful claim that low density US cities impose a cost to the economy of $400 billion is countered by their being the most affluent in the world. Nine of the top 10 cities in GDP per capita are in the US and more than 70% of the top 50. -
Why I Blew the Whistle at EPA
Opinion -[Editor’s note: Alan Carlin delivered these remarks when accepting the Climate Change Whistleblower Award at the Heartland Institute’s Ninth International Conference on Climate Change, July 8 in Las Vegas. -
Finding Out What’s in Obamacare, Part ∞
Opinion -Finding Out What’s in Obamacare, Part ∞ Everyone is familiar with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s quote about needing to “pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. -
Studies: E-Cigarette Regulations Hinder Public Health Goals
Opinion -Despite various legislative efforts to curb smoking — ranging from higher sin taxes on tobacco to public-relations campaigns intended to discourage the use of e-cigarettes — smoking rates have consistently risen in New York City. -
FTC Implicitly Urges FCC to Not Reclassify Broadband as a Utility
Opinion -The FTC implicitly laid down an important jurisdictional, political, and public marker against FCC reclassification of broadband as a utility, in its recent FCC filing in the FCC’s Section 706 inquiry proceeding. -
U.S., Global Crop Production Sets New Records in 2014
Opinion -The U.S. Department of Agriculture has forecast record U.S. corn yields this year as warmer temperatures, longer growing seasons, more precipitation, and higher atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have enhanced crop output. -
More Modest Benefits from Obamacare
Opinion -One of the things that has continued to draw my attention is how truly, staggeringly slight the gains achieved under the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) have been. -
Heartland Institute Reacts to Resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder
Opinion -Eric Holder, who has served as U.S. Attorney General for the entire Obama presidency, publicly announced today he is stepping down. The following statements from experts at The Heartland Institute – a free-market think tank – may be used for attribution. -
Medicaid Spending Hikes Put Wisconsin Budget in Peril
Opinion -Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services (DHS) has requested a $2.78 billion increase in funding for the 2015-17 biennium budget, increasing the agency's total budget to nearly $23 billion, or roughly one-third of the entire state budget. -
Top Ten Things Parents Hate About Common Core
Opinion -This is the year new national Common Core tests kick in, replacing state tests in most locales, courtesy of an eager Obama administration and the future generation’s tax dollars. -
Environmental Activists Threaten Louisiana Water Purification
Opinion -Environmental activists are targeting Multi-Chem, a company that blends chemicals for oil production, as the company seeks a water discharge permit for its Vermilion Parish, Louisiana facility. -
Federal 340B Drug Pricing Program Creates Windfall for Hospitals
Opinion -NASHVILLE—Hospitals and clinics across Tennessee and the United States are reportedly using a federal entitlement to pad their profits and subsidize other operations, depriving pharmaceutical manufacturers of revenue and jeopardizing future drug -
Indiana Toll Road’s Bankruptcy Has Little Impact on Taxpayers
Opinion -In November, the company which had won a 75-year concession contract to operate, maintain, and improve the 157-mile Indiana Toll Road filed to begin Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. -
Why You Won’t Even Be Able to Keep Your Obamacare Plan if You Like It
Opinion -Most of us are familiar with the fiasco centered around President Obama's false pledge that "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. -
About Those 7.3 Million Obamacare Enrollees
Opinion -There are a handful of blogs that anybody seriously interested in following health care policy should read regularly. At the top of that list is Health Policy and Markets, the blog of insurance expert Robert Laszewski. -
Renewable Energy Death Toll Impugns Green Claims
Opinion -Renewable energy sources are killers, not so much green as red. Until recently, renewable energy sources—wind, solar, hydro, etc.—have gotten a pass on the environmental harms they cause. -
Will Health Benefits Eliminate Raises?
Opinion -Health policy expert John Graham, writing at The Beacon, comments on a recent report from the consulting firm Mercer. Apparently health benefits are eating up pay raises.The real effect of Obamacare is shown in Figure 1: It is eliminating pay raises. -
Smelly Lockers: A True Story of Pirates
Opinion -The Digital Citizens Alliance recently released a report that is troubling if somewhat unsurprising. -
Tax Foundation Publishes State-by-State Sales Tax Survey
Opinion -Sales tax rates are an important part of the overall tax structure of most states, as well as for many local governments. -
Australian Meteorologists Caught Fudging Temperature Measurements
Opinion -Australian Meteorologists Caught Fudging Temperature MeasurementsBy Darren NelsonA storm of sorts has been brewing in Australia, a tempest caused by anthropogenic global warming activism. -
Democracy is Not the Same as Freedom
Opinion -A fundamental fallacy of our time is that democracy is the open-sesame to peace, freedom, and prosperity. -
Embarrassing Facts Haunt Global Warming March
Opinion -Just two days after a summer freeze cut growing seasons prematurely short in New York and New England, global warming activists marched in New York City against global warming. -
Heartland Institute Experts Comment on Obama’s Climate Speech at United Nations
Opinion -President Obama today addressed the Climate Summit at the United Nations, promising to take more executive actions at home, and work more closely with other countries abroad, to fight climate change. -
Al Jazeera Sues ‘Desperate’ Gore for False Representations
Opinion -A desperate Al Gore made several false representations as part of a smokescreen to “prevent people from seeing the truth,” the Al Jazeera media network asserted in conjunction with court documents filed Thursday, Business Insider reports.