Huge Supreme Court Win for Property Owners
Opinion -Property owners who need permits to develop vacant land or improve existing structures now have important protections from abusive federal, state, and local governments, thanks to a recent ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court. -
Louisiana Law Will Phase out Solar Tax Credit
Opinion -Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed legislation phasing out the state’s tax credit for solar energy. The credit will expire at the end of 2017. Weaning Off Tax SubsidiesSponsored by Rep. -
The Childishness Behind Economic Development
Opinion -Being the parent of a four-year old, I’m often the target of my son’s lobbying efforts for a new toy. -
Small Business Owners Sue Feds Over IRS Rules
Opinion -A group of small business owners and individuals in six states are suing the federal government over an Internal Revenue Service regulation imposed under President Obama’s health care law which will force them to pay exorbitant fines, cut back employees’ -
Oregon Ranchers, Environmentalist Groups Reach Deal on Wolves
Opinion -Oregon cattle ranchers and environmental groups reached a settlement that clarifies when ranchers can kill wolves that are preying on livestock. -
Raise Standards for Teachers and Free Them to Teach
Opinion -Criticizing teachers is like criticizing policemen or mothers, but romanticizing the U.S. education system blinds us to the harm it can do to children. -
Hot Weather and Climate Change—a Mountain From a Molehill?
Opinion -On Sunday, Death Valley temperatures reached 129oF, a new June record high for the United States, according to the National Weather Service. -
Charter School Enters Columbus’s Poorest Neighborhood
Opinion -Franklinton Preparatory Academy is a new public charter high school that opened this August in the poorest, most underserved neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio. -
Small Business Exchange Delayed as Open Enrollment Approaches
Opinion -In the latest setback for the implementation of President Obama’s health care law, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has formally delayed the small business health insurance exchange originally set to begin open enrollment in October. -
Massachusetts Town Bans Use of Wind Turbines at Night
Opinion -The Fairhaven, Massachusetts Board of Health voted to shut down the town’s two wind turbines each night between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. after dozens of residents filed more than 400 complaints against the turbines. -
Heartland Institute Experts React to Delay of Obamacare Employer Mandate
Opinion -Late Tuesday afternoon, the Obama administration announced it was delaying until 2015 the mandate that employers provide insurance under Obamacare. -
Arbitrary Spectrum Policy
Opinion -The FCC is picking market winners and losers again. -
FWS: Wolves No Longer Need Endangered Species Protection
Opinion -The U.S. Interior Department announced it will remove Endangered Species protection for most wolves in the lower 48 states. -
$$$ Millions for ‘Nashville’ Production, But No Clear Benefits
Opinion -Nashville’s famous Broadway Street is crowded with tourists year-round, but it’s hard to find even one visitor who regularly watches the ABC drama “Nashville,” which state officials subsidized with taxpayer money to advertise the city. -
Thoughts About Utility-Scale Solar Energy
Opinion -This paper discusses issues with regard to solar energy installations in Georgia and the controversy of the Georgia Public Service Commission mandating a 500 Megawatt utility-size solar plant be built. -
Arbitrary Spectrum Policy
Opinion -The FCC is picking market winners and losers again. -
Colorado District Implements Innovative Teacher Pay
Opinion -A trailblazing Colorado school district has implemented a first-in-nation pay system that will reflect teachers’ value by rewarding hard work instead of seniority. The Douglas County School Board will pay its best teachers up to 9. -
States Mull New Taxes, Fees on Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Opinion -Owners of hybrid and electric vehicles likely will face new taxes or fees to replace the savings they enjoy from paying less in gasoline taxes (if they drive a hybrid) or nothing (if they drive a fully electric vehicle), based on rules already passed in -
What Families Do with School Choice
Opinion -Madison, Wisconsin mother Mary Keaveny has enrolled her five children in three different kinds of schools. The children, ages two to 16, all began learning at home, even the two with dyslexia. -
Crime Down in Urban Cores and Suburbs
Opinion -The latest data (2011) from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) indicates that violent crime continued to decline in both the suburbs and historical cores of major metropolitan areas (over 1,000,000 residents). -
Exposing the Global Warming Fraud
Opinion -Last week President Obama announced a far-reaching plan to require reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, mandate increased vehicle mileage, and authorize more subsidies for solar and wind power. -
Florida House Rejects Medicaid Expansion, Outcome in Doubt
Opinion -Florida Gov. Rick Scott surprised many political analysts in February when he announced he supported expanding Medicaid under President Obama’s health care law. -
30 Years, $1 Million Fine for International Credit Card Fraud
Opinion -The leader of a $200 million credit card fraud ring that was busted earlier this year has pleaded guilty to his actions. -
The Farm-Bill Killshot May Augur Victory In The War On Poverty
Opinion -Last week, the Washington Establishment, from the Congressional leadership to the national media, was surprised and shocked when the House actually voted down the 5 year farm bill renewal.