Policy Briefs
Socialist Watch 2024: An Analysis of Socialist Candidates in the 2024 General Election
Publication -Policy Briefs -This Policy Brief contains a list of candidates who ran for a variety of political offices in the 2024 election while championing far-left, progressive ideology and socialist policies. This paper analyzes the outcomes of those races, compares the results to previous analyses conducted by The Heartland Institute, and provides a brief glimpse into what the […] -
Ranked Choice Voting: A Major Threat to Free, Fair, and Secure Elections
Publication -Policy Briefs -Ultimately, RCV undermines our electoral system and should concern all those who value election integrity and fairness in the democratic process. -
The 2022 Amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code Abrogate Property Rights to Tangible Assets
Publication -Policy Briefs -States’ widespread adoption of the 2022 UCC amendments would pave the road to a completely digitized economy in which all tokenized real-world assets would be legally controlled by financial behemoths. -
Why Lawmakers Shouldn’t Trust the Uniform Law Commission or American Law Institute—Two of America’s Biggest Threats to Freedom
Publication -Policy Briefs -Introduction Among other activities, the American Law Institute and Uniform Law Commission impact society and public policy by drafting and proposing uniform legislation for adoption in all 50 states. Every state has numerous laws that were first developed by the ALI and ULC, the most notable of which is the Uniform Commercial Code, a far-reaching […] -
Protecting Private Property Through the Uniform Commercial Code
Publication -Policy Briefs -Dear State Legislators and Other Elected Officials, Questions are now being raised about important laws that have been added to state codes in all 50 states over the past 25 years. These laws were deliberately designed to abrogate private property rights and could in the future be used to harm all Americans who hold investment […] -
CPI-X: A Novel Method to Decrease Spending and the National Debt
Publication -Policy Briefs -U.S. federal spending is out of control, and has been for several decades. In 1970, the federal government’s budget totaled $232 billion. In 2024, federal spending will rise to $7.9 trillion, an increase of 3,320 percent over the past 54 years. Even worse, federal spending is forecast to surge to $12.95 trillion by 2038. Decades […] -
The Public-Health Emergency Authority Act: A Framework for Unchecked Gubernatorial Power
Publication -Policy Briefs -Public health emergency declarations and the policies that flow from them are fresh in the minds of the American public, with the actions taken by federal, state, and local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to be fiercely debated. Substantial questions remain concerning the source and accuracy of public health information used to justify the […] -
Stop ESG In Banking: Do States Have the Legal Authority?
Publication -Policy Briefs -Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics are a popular kind of social credit scoring, one that poses a significant threat to individual liberty and free-market economies, both in the United States and abroad. ESG is regularly used by corporations and investors as a tool to impose progressive values and environmental policies on other businesses, governments, […] -
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Scores: A Threat to Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and the U.S. Economy
Publication -Policy Studies, Policy Briefs -ESG has become one of the gravest threats facing the free societies of the world today. -
Former U.S. Comptroller General: ‘U.S. Finances Are Out-of-Control’
Publication -Policy Briefs -Heartland Daily News interviewed former U.S Comptroller General David M. Walker about the short- and long-term consequences of U.S. fiscal policy and his leadership on the proposed Federal Fiscal Responsibility Amendment to the Constitution. -
Energy at a Glance: The Importance of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Publication -Policy Briefs -“President Joe Biden has implemented policies that make it more difficult to develop and ship natural gas, including LNG.” -
Energy at a Glance: U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Publication -Policy Briefs -“Horizontal drilling combined with fracking-improved production allowed U.S. producers to access large, untapped deposits of shale gas reserves and other unconventional formations that had previously been too difficult to access.” -
Biden’s Energy Policy Sends $74 Million Per Day to Russia, Enough to Buy 20 Tanks Every Day
Publication -Policy Briefs -President Biden could pressure Democrats to stand up to environmental extremists who have blocked the construction of pipelines that could deliver more American oil and natural gas to Russia-dependent American markets. -
Understanding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Scores, and Why Lawmakers Should Oppose Them
Publication -Policy Briefs -ESG social credit scores pose a substantial threat to liberty and market competition -
Biden Energy Policies Cost U.S. Households More than $1,000 in 2021
Publication -Policy Briefs -The average U.S. household in 2021 spent an extra $600 in higher gasoline costs and $70 in higher electricity costs due to the Biden administration's energy policies. -
Understanding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Metrics: A Basic Primer
Publication -Policy Briefs -Environment, social, and governance scores are theoretically supposed to incentivize “responsible investing” by “screening out” companies that do not possess high ESG scores while favorably rating those companies and funds that make positive contributions to ESG’s three overarching categories. A company’s ESG score has become a primary component of its risk profile. -
Policy Brief: Felonious Killings of Law Enforcement Officers in 2021
Publication -Policy Briefs -Felonious killings of police officers in 2021 was the highest it has been in more than 25 years. -
Measuring the Effects of the Republicans’ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Personal Income Taxes
Publication -Policy Briefs -Republicans' 2017 tax reform law benefited middle- and working-class Americans the most. -
The American Health Care Plan
Publication -Policy Briefs -The purpose of this paper is to provide Americans with a pro-liberty, conservative proposal to fix the U.S. health insurance system, lower health care costs, and create universal or near-universal access to health care services. -
Policy Brief: Socialist Watch 2020: An Analysis of Candidates Endorsed by Far-Left Organizations
Publication -Policy Briefs -The list included below in this Policy Brief shows the election victories and losses for socialist and far-left progressive candidates running for office during the 2020 general election. -
Policy Brief: No, Climate Change Is Not ‘Straining Budgets’ in Colorado Towns
Publication -Policy Briefs -The claim that climate change is causing strains on local government budgets as a result of increasing drought, wildfires, and avalanches is thoroughly debunked by objective scientific facts, as this Policy Brief clearly shows. -
Policy Brief: Managing Ethylene Oxide: An Air Quality Professional’s Perspective
Publication -Policy Briefs -Ethylene oxide is produced at petrochemical facilities, but is also regularly found in natural, biological systems, such as the human body. It is also commonly found in ambient air throughout industrial, residential, and rural areas. -
Policy Brief: How to Fix America’s Crumbling Infrastructure: Lessons from Australia
Publication -Policy Briefs -Policymakers and analysts generally agree that much work and many reforms are needed to repair, improve, and enhance infrastructure in America. But how, exactly, should these goals be achieved? -
Policy Brief: How the Green New Deal’s Renewable Energy Mining Would Harm Humans and the Environment
Publication -Policy Briefs -As this paper shows, expanding mining on the scale needed to meet the renewable energy requirements contained in the Green New Deal and other proposed renewable energy mandates would cause unimaginable harm to the environment, wildlife, and humans.