Michigan May Curtail Wind Lawsuits
Opinion -Scrambling to meet a self-imposed 2015 renewable-energy deadline, lawmakers in Michigan may be caught between competing interests of proponents and opponents of wind farms. -
Obama Highway Plan Would Tax Businesses’ Overseas Earnings
Opinion -President Barack Obama’s budget, released in February, includes a six-year plan to spend $478 billion on highway infrastructure, or roughly $1,699,519 each year per mile of the nation’s 46,876 mile-long Interstate Highway System. -
When The Media Report ‘Patent Trolls’ – Think ‘People Protecting Their Private Property’
Opinion -You’ve heard the phrase “patent trolls,” yes? Certainly not a positive sounding term. I mean – trolls?How positive an image does that conjure?The Media are almost always opposed to all things good. -
Robbing Your Wallet: Low Gas Prices Mean Big Tax Increases
Opinion -When President Barack Obama first took office in January 2009, thenational average gas price was $1.95, but over most of Obama’s presidency, prices have risen continuously, averaging well over $3 per gallon through much of 2014. -
Why U.S Education No Longer Needs the Government
Opinion -At the end of the 19th century, when most communities in the United States were still built around agrarian economies and the average American spent most of his or her day working in a factory, mill, or farm, government-run public education made sense. -
Electronic Health Records Disaster, Part II
Opinion -A few days ago Dr. Jeffrey Singer, a surgeon in Arizona, had an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal regarding the fiasco of government-mandated electronic health records. -
A Common-Sense Case Against Common Core
Opinion -Review of The Story-Killers:A Common-Sense Case Against the Common Core, by Terrence O. Moore, Amazon Digital Services, Inc., 292 pages, $6. -
How Would States Respond to Unsubsidized Obamacare?
Opinion -consumer-power-report -Consumer Power Report #452 With the King v. Burwell case approaching at the Supreme Court, the question on the minds of Washington, DC observers is this: Which justice will save Obamacare this time, John Roberts or Anthony Kennedy? -
Vermont Lawmakers Submit Market-Oriented Health Care Bills
Opinion -Led by Vermont House Minority Leader Don Turner (R-Milton), a group of more than 20 state lawmakers stood together at the statehouse in February to announce a package of health care bills charting an alternative to Gov. -
NIH Funding Stifles Tobacco Harm Reduction Research and Support in Academia
Opinion -As a pathologist working at two large medical centers, I have studied the effects of smoking on health for over 20 years. -
Is America Still On F.A. Hayek’s “Road to Serfdom”?
Opinion -A little more than seventy years ago, on March 10, 1944, there appeared in Great Britain one of the most amazing and influential political books of the twentieth century, The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A. -
If Leftists Ran Insurance Companies…
Opinion -I've occasionally had the thought that it would be entertaining and informative to produce a 'reality' television show featuring young leftists of the Occupy Wall Street variety trying to run a retail store of some sort, perhaps an Orange Julius stand at -
Wyoming Governor Vetoes Asset Forfeiture Reform
Opinion -Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead has vetoed a bill aimed at reforming the state’s civil asset forfeiture laws. -
‘Warmest Year’ Claims Rapidly Wilt Under Scrutiny
Opinion -No sooner had 2015 arrived than newspaper headlines and television anchors trumpeted the news international science agencies, including the Japan Meteorological Agency, the World Meteorological Organization, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric -
Study: School Vouchers May Lead to Lasting Positive Outcomes
Opinion -A study by Matthew M. Chingos of the Brookings Institution and Paul E. Peterson of Harvard University confirms a positive long-term effect of school vouchers for minority children. -
Wyoming Governor Vows to Fight Obama Administration Over Coal
Opinion -In his recent State of the State address, Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead vowed to fight for coal with “bulldog determination. -
Another Extension for Obamacare Enrollments?
Opinion -At the end of the open enrollment period last year, the Obama administration was desperate to pad the numbers to make the program look more successful than it really was. -
CBO: National Debt, Deficit to Skyrocket
Opinion -A new report by the Congressional Budget Office predicts the nation’s debt and deficit will continue to grow over the next decade. -
Nebraska Supreme Court OKs Keystone Pipeline
Opinion -Nebraska’s Supreme Court ruled TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL pipeline can move through the state. However, President Obama must decide whether to sign a bill from Congress approving the project, which has languished for the past six years. -
Ohio Medicaid Expansion Runs 33 Percent over Budget in First Year
Opinion -Enrollment in Ohio’s expanded Medicaid program was 485,462 in December 2014, 33 percent higher than expected. Gov. John Kasich’s (R) Medicaid expansion took effect in January 2014, and it has been over budget ever since. -
Military Tensions Between Russia and West Spill into Climate Policy
Opinion -If war is politics by other means, in the debate pitting climate change against energy development, one side is arming, as Russia uses climate agreements to pressure the West to remove economic sanctions against it. -
Who’ll Stop the Rain? Not Bill Nye
Opinion -The great John Fogerty classic was a testament to bad news and deception that seemed to be coming from all angles. -
Gov. Kitzhaber Resigns Amidst Green Energy Scandal
Opinion -As of February 18, John Kitzhaber will no longer be governor of Oregon, having submitted a letter of resignation on Friday 13th. -
Oklahoma Bill Champions K-12 ESAs
Opinion -For the second year in a row, legislators in Oklahoma are seeking to implement education savings accounts within the state.