Climate Change
Daily Top Ten School Reform News Roundup, Sept. 24 to 28
Opinion -Friday's news roundup:1. Andrew Kelly reviews Parent-Trigger movie Won't Back Down.2. Virginia's board of education defends lower goals for minorities and disabled students on state math tests.3. -
Antarctic Sea Ice Expands to New Record
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #63Antarctic sea ice set another record this past week, registering the most amount of ice ever recorded on day 256 of the calendar year (September 12 of this leap year). -
Urban Heat Islands of the Anatolian Peninsula
Opinion -They are illustrative of how easily this non-CO2-induced warming could be contributing to the life-sustaining molecule’s bad reputation among climate alarmists... -
U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Continue to Decline
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #62The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports U.S. carbon dioxide emissions during the first quarter of 2012 were the lowest since 1992. With more and more U.S. -
Hurricane Inactivity Defies Alarmists
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #61When Hurricane Isaac made landfall in southern Louisiana, the storm provided a rare break in one of the longest periods of hurricane inactivity in U.S. history. -
Summer Warming Impacts on Bees, Moths and Butterflies in Mountainous Northern Scandinavia
Opinion -Have rising summer temperatures there been driving the flying insects towards extinction, as many have predicted should be the case?... Read MoreHeavy Precipitation Over the US: Has it Increased as Some have Predicted it Should? -
Tornado Activity Reaches Record Lows in 2012
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #60The year 2012 is breaking all-time records for lack of tornado activity, defying extreme-weather claims by global warming alarmists. -
Floods Across the United States: Trends of the Last Century
Opinion -How did the floods vary, as the air’s CO2 content rose by some 32%? -
Citizens’ Petition to Rein in EPA
Opinion -The Heartland Institute is circulating a petition urging Congress to rein in an Environmental Protection Agency that has gone “rogue” in recent years, seizing unauthorized power for itself that robs us of property rights and economic vitality. -
Polar Bears Doing Just Fine, Thank You
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #59Professor Susan Crockford, a zoologist and evolutionary biologist at the University of Victoria, Canada, reports polar bears have successfully adapted to severe climate change many times in the past and will likely adapt to -
Effects of Nighttime Warming on the Reproduction of Lizards
Opinion -Do the consequences of enhanced nocturnal warmth hinder or help lizards to reproduce? -
Polar Bears May Have Survived 4-5 million Years of Climate Change
Opinion -A new genetic study suggests polar bears arose between 4-5 million years ago and thus survived the more than 50 glacial/interglacial cycles of the Pleistocene... Read MoreRegional Climate Models: How Well Do They Work? -
New Study Finds Half of Reported Temperature Rise Is Fictitious
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #58A reanalysis of U.S. surface temperature station data shows temperatures are rising only half as much as claimed by the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and other government gatekeepers of temperature data. -
Probing Ecosystem Resilience to Climate Change in Arctic-Alpine Plants
Opinion -Despite climate alarmist concerns that many high latitude ecosystems will be threatened by global warming-induced extinctions before the end of this century, the authors of this study find that “moderate climate change with an average temperature -
Eight and a Half Centuries of Snowpack Variations in the Andes of Chile and Argentina
Opinion -What do they reveal about the nature of snowpack conditions there over the past several decades of supposedly unprecedented global warming? -
Be skeptical of Skeptic’s skepticism of skeptics
Opinion -Editorial -Anyone who starts out by using the hate-speech term “Climate Deniers” – laden with political overtones of Holocaust denial – cannot expect to be taken seriously as an objective scientist. -
(Long Version): Be skeptical of Skeptic’s skepticism of skeptics
Opinion -Editorial -Despite the promise of “Climate Scientists’ Answers”, only four peer-reviewed papers by climate scientists are cited among the 41 references at the end of the Professor’s article. -
Adjustment Errors Created Nearly Half of IPCC Warming
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #57Nearly half of the claimed warming during the past century did not occur in the real world but is merely the creation of flawed data adjustments, reports a new paper presented at a meeting of the European Geosciences Union. -
Tropical Fish May be Well Prepared to Cope with Global Warming
Opinion -And they appear to be prepared to do it rapidly, as the authors of this report discovered that offspring phenotypes fully adapted to the increase in temperature within a mere two generations, which finding, in the words of the authors, “could indicate -
Doctored Data and Ridiculous Alarmism: This Is What Global Warming Looks like
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #56A new catch phrase is making the rounds among global warming alarmists and their media allies. -
The “Dark Side” of Sugar-Cane Ethanol Production
Opinion -A recent study suggests that the air of countries going green may not be so clean ... or healthy!... Read More Additional New Research Reviews Impacts of Recurrent Estuarine Acidification on Wild Invertebrates (10 July 2012) How debilitating are they? -
Michael Mann Presentation Illustrates Flawed Warming Claims
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #55Climategate central figure Michael Mann gave a talk in Orange County, California last month that perfectly illustrates how global warming alarmists spread myths and misinformation to further their agenda. -
North Carolina Takes Center Stage in Sea Level Debate
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #54The North Carolina legislature is taking center stage in the global warming debate, voting on legislation this month that would curb the use of speculative, overly alarmist computer models to drive government policy regarding sea -
Hillary Clinton Visits Wrong Place to Observe Global Warming
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #53Hillary Clinton took a trip to Greenland last week to see firsthand the impact of global warming. She should have traveled to Iowa, Kansas, Florida, and the Bronx Zoo. Why Iowa?