Debunking the Scandinavian Socialism Myth
Publication -Books -This booklet seeks to establish, beyond any doubt, that Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have not embraced Marxist principles throughout much of their economies and are thus not “socialist” nations. -
Science, Philosophy and Inquiry on a Galactic Scale
Publication -Books -An interview between Dr. Willie Soon and Gregoire Canlorbe, Vice President of The French Parti National-Liberal -
The Patriot’s Guide to Freedom and Firearms
Publication -Books -The 10 principles provided here, with references for further research and documentation if desired, provide a framework for understanding and promoting sound policies regarding firearms in America. -
Health Care Reform: A Toolbox for Patriots and Policymakers
Publication -Books -With the collapse of Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare, attention turns to what Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and state policymakers can do to repair a health care system in crisis. The Heartland Institute can help! -
Common Core: A Bad Choice for America (second edition)
Publication -Books -This 44-page booklet discusses the development of Common Core and its flaws. This expanded edition includes two appendices: acronyms often used in Common Core discussions and a handy timeline. -
Power to the People
Publication -Books -Power to the People: The New Road to Freedom and Prosperity for the Poor, Seniors, and Those Most in Need of the World’s Best Health Care -
Rewards: How to Use Rewards to Help Children Learn – and Why Teachers Don’t Use Them Well
Publication -Books -Learning is easier and faster when properly designed incentive systems are used. Unfortunately, denying the effectiveness of incentives in K-12 education is a foundational idea of progressive educational philosophy and practice. -
Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts
Publication -Books -The newest volume in the Climate Change Reconsidered series, released on April 9, is Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts. One more volume in the CCR-II series, subtitled Human Welfare, Energy, and Policies, is due out in June. -
Chinese Translation of Climate Change Reconsidered
Publication -Books -A workshop on climate change issues was held in Beijing on June 15, 2013, at which four of the authors presented their findings to members of the Chinese climate science community. -
The Information Technology Revolution and the Transformation of the Small Business Economy: A Collection of Essays
Publication -Books -A collection of essays related to the value of the Internet to small businesses. -
Climate Change Reconsidered: 2011 Interim Report
Publication -Books -The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), already under severe criticism for violating the requirements of academic peer review and relying on secondary sources, comes under attack again in a new report co-produced by three -
Unstoppable Solar Cycles: Rethinking Global Warming
Publication -Books -When Erik the Red first arrived in Greenland, the fertile green land was perfect for farming. But within a few centuries the thriving Viking settlements had been wiped out by global cooling. -
Transformational Innovation in K-12 Education: Achieving More, Spending Less in Schools, Districts, and States
Publication -Books -Transformational Innovation in K-12 Education: Achieving More, Spending Less in Schools, Districts, and States is an edited and revised version of a publication prepared for the Center on Innovation & Improvement, for which author Herb Walberg, chairman -
Transformational Innovation in K-12 Education: Achieving More, Spending Less in Schools, Districts, and States
Publication -Books -Transformational Innovation in K-12 Education: Achieving More, Spending Less in Schools, Districts, and States is an edited and revised version of a publication prepared for the Center on Innovation & Improvement, for which author Herb Walberg, chairman -
The Patriot’s Toolbox
Publication -Books -Rarely have more people in the United States been so deeply concerned about the direction of their country as right now, in 2010. -
The Obamacare Disaster
Publication -Books -Earlier this year, Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed into law the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. -
Advancing Student Achievement
Publication -Books -For the last half century, higher spending and many modern reforms have failed to raise the achievement of students in the United States to the levels of other economically advanced countries. -
Advancing Student Achievement
Publication -Books -For the last half century, higher spending and many modern reforms have failed to raise the achievement of students in the United States to the levels of other economically advanced countries. -
Climate Change Reconsidered
Publication -Books -This 880-page rebuttal of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), three years in the making, was released in June 2009 by The Heartland Institute. Coauthored and edited by S. Fred Singer, Ph.D. -
Is the U.S. Surface Temperature Record Reliable?
Publication -Books -The stakes in the debate over global warming are high. If human activities are causing a major warming of the earth’s atmosphere, then actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions costing hundreds of billions of dollars would be necessary. -
School Choice: The Findings
Publication -Books -School Choice: The Findings is the most comprehensive and up-to-date survey available summarizing the research on charter schools, vouchers, and public versus private school effectiveness. -
Please Don’t Poop in My Salad
Publication -Books -Please Don’t Poop in My Salad features a collection of essays by Heartland President Joseph L. Bast defending smokers against laws abridging their right to free association and taxes that punish them for a personal lifestyle choice. -
Let’s Put Parents Back in Charge!
Publication -Books -This book is for parents, teachers, policymakers, taxpayers, and everyone who wants great schools for children regardless of their race, social background, and parents' income. -
Let’s Put Parents Back in Charge!
Publication -Books -This book is for parents, teachers, policymakers, taxpayers, and everyone who wants great schools for children regardless of their race, social background, and parents' income.