Fear the Day Government’s Great Fiction Lies Exposed
Opinion -“Government is the great fiction through which everyone endeavors to live at the expense of everyone else,” wrote the celebrated French legislator, economist, and political theorist Frederic Bastiat 165 years ago. -
Will the FCC Break the Internet?
Opinion -Actions speak louder than words.The world is watching to see where the FCC’s actions will lead international telecommunications regulators going forward.Will FCC leadership reinforce the successful Internet policy status quo? -
Union Organizes Home Health Workers in Minnesota
Opinion -When the Service Employees International Union in Minnesota announced its victory in unionizing 27,000 home health care workers in August, it celebrated in a rapidly changing political environment. -
Climate Alarmists Falsely Imply Carbon Dioxide Is Soot
Opinion -We no longer hear of carbon dioxide emissions; instead the climate change lobby has shortened it to carbon emissions. Is this just a convenient abbreviation? We think not. -
Fracking Debate Splits the Environmental Movement
Opinion -Fracking Debate Splits the Environmental MovementBy Bonner R. CohenEnvironmentalists are at odds with one another over hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas. -
Sierra Club Facing Investigations
Opinion -Sierra Club Facing InvestigationsBy H. -
New California Law Chooses Fire Over Chemicals
Opinion -Flame-retardant chemicals put into furniture since the mid-'70s to prevent fires have received such a black eye in California the state legislature passed a new law requiring furniture sold in the Golden State to carry warning labels indicating whether -
All We Got Was Expanded Medicaid
Opinion -Ever see one of those t-shirts that read, “I went to Paris and all I got was this stupid t-shirt,” or something similar? -
Feds Approve Cove Point Gas Plant
Opinion -Feds Approve Cove Point Gas PlantBy H. Sterling BurnettThe federal government has approved the expansion and modification of the Dominion’s Cove Point natural gas liquefaction plant in Calvert County, Maryland. -
Predictions of Doom Caused by Tax Relief Measures Ring Hollow
Opinion -Many years ago, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu opined, “Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge. -
Private Toll Roads Present Better Options for Drivers, State Budgets
Opinion -As some states increasingly see toll roads as a good way to pay for neglected highways, one transportation expert is warning about using toll roads as “cash cows.” Other states, he notes, are privatizing their toll roads and reaping the benefits. -
Housing Affordability in China
Opinion -Finally, there is credible housing affordability data from China. For years, analysts have produced "back of the envelope" anecdotal calculations that have been often as inconsistent as they have been wrong. -
‘Self-referral’ Problem Can Be Solved by Self-Pay
Opinion -Today's Wall Street Journal has an article regarding a chain of cancer clinics that may be overutilizing a particular test for their patients, a test that offers a generous reimbursement from Medicare. -
Report: Devolve EPA to the States
Opinion -Report: Devolve EPA to the StatesBy D. Brady NelsonA policy document by Heartland Institute Science Director Jay Lehr argues the need for the U.S. -
Fracking Report Clears Way for California Oil and Gas Production
Opinion -Fracking Report Clears Way for California Oil and Gas ProductionBy Bonner R. CohenA federal Bureau of Land Management report found there is little scientific evidence hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and related technologies harm the environment. -
Obama to Avoid Senate Vote on New Climate Treaty
Opinion -Obama to Avoid Senate Vote on New Climate TreatyMaking the announcement first on August 26 and confirming it in his speech before a United Nations climate summit in New York City on September 23, President Obama has committed the United States to forging -
Regulators Attack Popular Home-Sharing Startup, Alleging Housing Violations
Opinion -Airbnb, a web-based startup company connecting private individuals with travelers, has become popular among travelers of all ages who are seeking to meet new people, in cities across the world. -
Maine Reforms, Cuts Medicaid Rolls
Opinion -While most states are deciding whether to expand Medicaid or whether it was a good idea to have already done so, Maine stands out by continuing to offer health care to the poorest citizens while paring back the state’s risk of future financial meltdown -
FCC’s Secret Meetings Raise Significant Process Concerns
Opinion -A little-noticed article in the Wall Street Journal over Labor Day Weekend concerning the proposed Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger caught my eye, not only because the article obviously concerns an important matter of communications policy, but also -
Environmentalists, EPA Use ‘Sue-and-Settle’ to Bypass Congress, Impose Regulations
Opinion -A recent report by the National Center for Policy Analysis, Environmental Regulation Through Litigation, describes a new and disturbing approach to environmental regulation: sue-and-settle lawsuits. -
Council’s New Bill to Boost Smoking
Opinion -New York City was the first major city to ban vaping, the use of e-cigarettes, wherever cigarette smoking is banned. Cities around the country have followed suit. -
Ebola Vaccine, Treatment Funding Draws Scrutiny, Political Accusations
Opinion -The arrival of the ebola virus in the United States, including the first infections to occur in this country, has brought attention to the budget of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, as well as -
‘Consumer-Friendly’ Insurance Laws More Bane than Boon to Homeowners
Opinion -Reflexively responding to the 2008 financial crisis, many government regulators moved to reduce the burden of toxic assets in the financial market, after widespread speculation instigated a credit crunch and contributed to the economic slowdown.