
  • Beware! Biden’s ‘Disinformation’ Czar is Coming (and Singing)

    Published May 3, 2022
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    President Joe Biden recently unleashed a new "Disinformation Governance Board." (No, that's not a joke or a made-up agency from a dystopian movie.) Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal break down the mental state of the new "Disinformation" czar and discuss some of her (really annoying) writings in their latest episode of "Stopping Socialism." Don't miss it!
  • Masks Caused Schools to Close More Often, Not Less (Guests: Phil Kerpen)

    Published April 25, 2022
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    Throughout the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control, the Department of Education, and school districts claimed ordering children to wear masks would keep schools open.  Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment, along with Emily Burns and Josh Stevenson, looked back to see if that was actually the case. The researchers examined school closure in 500 of the nation’s largest school districts to find out if mask mandates kept schools open more often. What they found was the opposite. The report, “No Masks Don’t Help Keep Kids in School” can be found here.

    The most pernicious mask mandates existed in the nation’s public schools.  If schools were open, in many school districts, children were ordered to mask-up. Kerpen has a hypothesis as to why masked schools closed their doors more often than those that made masks voluntary. Kerpen also discusses the work he did on the latest analysis by the National Bureau of Economic Research, A Final Report Card on the States’ Response to COVID 19, that ranked states on economic, health and education outcomes during the pandemic.  At the top of the list, were states that had the least heavy handed COVID policies.

  • A Non-drug, Non-invasive Treatment for Pain – Light Waves (Guest: Scot Faulkner)

    Published April 20, 2022
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    In wake of the opioid epidemic (overdose deaths in 2020, 91,799), doctors and patients are turning to a FDA cleared, non-drug approach to treating pain called photobiomodulation (PBM). PBM uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate cell growth and reduce inflammation. It is increasingly being used at cancer centers, on veterans, and on individuals who want non-drug alternatives. Scot Faulkner is a senior advisor to the PBM Research Foundation. He discusses how there have been over 800 randomized clinical trials showing the effectiveness of PBM and how the treatment is changing the lives of millions of patients.

    PBM has been around for about 60 years. It is now getting more attention as patients and physicians seek alternatives to prescription pain medication which can lead to chronic dependence. Since its inception, PBM has been used on 100 million people. Patients can get treated at centers or self-treat at home using FDA approved devices. Faukner discusses how PBM provides a long-lasting solution to pain by repairing the cell structures that lead to pain, how much the treatment costs, how long it takes to be effective, and training providers to use PBM, including a new center that opened at Shepherd University in West Virginia.


    For more information:

    Clinical trials:

  • States Fight Back Against ESG Social Credit Scores

    Published April 5, 2022
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    One of the most important parts of elites' plan for a Great Reset of the global economy is the widespread use of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores, which are a kind of social credit system. After we, working closely with Glenn Beck, revealed what has been going on, state lawmakers across the country stepped up to the plate, launching a wave of anti-ESG legislation. Is your state one them, and what kinds of bills are state lawmakers considering? In this episode of Justin and Donald Save America, Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal explain the incredible details.

    If you're a state lawmaker looking to fight back against ESG scores, email The Heartland Institute's GR team at: [email protected].

  • Biden’s Creepy Plan for a Digital Currency

    Published March 29, 2022
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    In March 2022, President Joe Biden issued an executive order that lays a foundation for a new U.S. currency, one that's digital, programmable, trackable, and controllable. This is perhaps the most important story in America today, and most of the media isn't talking about it. Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal break down Biden's plan for a digital dollar in this incredible episode of "Justin and Donald Save America."
  • Warning: Social Credit Scores Coming Soon, FICO Predicts

    Published March 23, 2022
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    Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores are one of the primary components of elites' plan for a Great Reset of the global economy. We've long worried that these ESG scores could soon be applied to individual credit scores, and a new prediction from FICO seems to support our worst fears. Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal break down this story in their latest episode of "Stopping Socialism."

  • Socialist Wins Primary Election in TEXAS!?

    Published March 16, 2022
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    Self-avowed socialist Greg Casar, running as a Democrat, destroyed his nearest primary opponent by 40 points in the primary election in Texas' 35th Congressional District. What does this mean for the future of the country? Are socialists becoming more influential in American politics? Donald Kendal and Chris Talgo break down this story in their latest episode of "Justin and Donald Save America."


    To read the story on FICO's website, go here:

  • The Right to Bear Arms, A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?

    Published March 14, 2022
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    As a defense against the federal government sinking into tyranny, the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States prohibits the government from abrogating or otherwise interfering with the average person’s right to keep and bear arms. Elites have been chipping away at this right ever since. Courts, often composed of elites, have failed to defend American’s Second Amendment rights.

    Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., Senior Fellow with the Independent Institute and author of The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, explains why the courts are trending towards supporting the right to keep and bear arms.

  • Freedom of Speech Is Under Attack by Big Tech Corporations

    Published February 16, 2022
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    Freedom of speech is an unalienable right. It is not granted by government. It preexists the government itself. The Founding Fathers established the United States of America to protect our unalienable rights. Today, freedom of speech is under a direct threat. In the United States, there are three corporations that control 97 percent of social media activity. One company controls 75 percent. Three companies controlling 97 percent isn’t problematic in and of itself, but the suppression of Americans’ right to free speech is.

    The problem worsened when the White House press secretary admitted that the White House directs Big Tech on what should be censored and removed from the internet. This is antithetical to the vision the Founding Fathers had for the purpose of government.

    James Taylor, president of The Heartland Institute, testifies in Ohio in favor of protecting freedom of speech on social media platforms. States across the country must draw a line in the sand and prohibit social media companies and the federal government from suppressing speech that they deem unfavorable for their agenda.

  • This Bill Could Stop the Great Reset

    Published February 15, 2022
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    The Great Reset poses a significant threat to individual liberty, and unfortunately, it seems like there are Great Reset developments occurring nearly every week. Fortunately, a new bill was introduced in New Hampshire that prohibits banks or businesses from using social credits scores in business activities. Social credit scores rank individuals on standards such as where their energy comes from, what their values social values are, and how in line they are with the politically favored ideology.

    This episode of Stopping Socialism comes from our new show Justin and Donald Save America. Check it out on YouTube with this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrKn9XoFXV633ycPGa5_iOQ.

  • Socialism & Fascism: Two Sides of the Same Coin

    Published February 9, 2022
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    The terms "socialism" and "fascism" are misused all too often. Are these ideologies really found on the opposite side of the political spectrum? Spoiler: no; they have far more in common then you might believe. Stopping Socialism’s Donald Kendal and Jake McPherrin explain in this episode of “Stopping Socialism.”

    Read the full article here: https://the1818.com/2022/01/fascism-socialisms-smarter-brother/

  • Shocking Report: Killings Of Police WAY UP in 2021

    Published February 1, 2022
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    A new report recently released by The Heartland Institute, based on FBI data, reveals a massive increase of killings of law enforcement officers in 2021. Stopping Socialism’s Donald Kendal and Chris Talgo go over the findings in this episode of “Stopping Socialism.”

    To see Donald's past work, go here: https://heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/donny-kendal

    For more information about Chris, go here: https://heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/chris-talgo

    To read the report in full, go here: https://heartland.org/publications-resources/publications/policy-brief-felonious-killings-of-law-enforcement-officers-in-2021

  • Bernie Sanders is TERRIBLE at Math

    Published January 13, 2022
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    Bernie Sanders is one of the most influential public figures when it comes to "democratic" socialism, however, that does not mean he is great when it comes to math and logic. Stopping Socialism’s Donald Kendal and Chris Talgo explain in this episode of “Stopping Socialism.”
  • America’s Best and Worst Metro Areas for School Quality (Guest: Adam Tyner)

    Published January 12, 2022
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    In this episode of the School Reform News podcast, Heartland’s Tim Benson is joined by Adam Tyner, associate director of research at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, to discuss Fordham’s new report, America’s Best and Worst Metro Areas for School Quality. Find out how they quantify their rankings, whether the "best" public schools have the highest achievement, which metros fared well, and which metros fared poorly.

    Check out the interactive report here: https://metro.fordhaminstitute.org/

  • Epic New Great Reset Book. You Don’t Want to Miss This One

    Published January 4, 2022
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    The Great Reset is one of the most complex and important stories affecting our world today. A new book by Glenn Beck and Justin Haskins (with Donald Kendal serving as a contributor) breaks down the most important parts of the Great Reset and reveals details you won't see anywhere else. Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal preview the book in this episode of “Stopping Socialism.”

    To order your copy of The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of Twenty-First Century Fascism, go here: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Reset-Biden-Twenty-First-Century-Fascism/dp/163763059X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3S7V2CVOZ9PRF&keywords=the+great+reset&qid=1640118370&sprefix=the+great+reset%2Caps%2C52&sr=8-2

  • CBO Destroys Biden’s Claim Build Back Better Costs Zero

    Published December 22, 2021
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    After claiming for months that the Build Back Better Act would "cost zero" and add nothing to the national debt, the CBO delivered the Biden Administration a big reality check. Turns out the plan would add trillions to the national debt. We are not surprised. Stopping Socialism’s Donald Kendal and Chris Talgo explain in this episode of Stopping Socialism.
  • Touring AOC’s Crazy Online Store

    Published December 2, 2021
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    Do you love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so much that you would pay more than $50 for a pro-AOC sweatshirt? No? Didn't think so. Still, we had a blast touring AOC's online merchandise store. Don't miss this fun episode of “Stopping Socialism TV," featuring Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal.

  • “New Normal” Means Lowering Your Standards of Living

    Published November 23, 2021
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    Recently, there has been a flood of articles suggesting Americans need to learn to live with less. Whether its fewer goods on store shelves, or less reliable energy systems, we are increasingly being told "this is going to be the future, deal with it." Stopping Socialism's Donald Kendal and Chris Talgo break down a few of these articles in this episode of "Stopping Socialism TV."

    Bloomberg - Americans Need to Learn to Live More Like Europeans

    Boston Review - To Save the Climate, Give Up the Demand for Constant Electricity

  • AOC Proposes MORE Spending to Fight Inflation

    Published November 16, 2021
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    Our second-favorite socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, recently weighed in on the inflation debate, saying we need the government to spend MORE money to counteract inflation. In addition, she also gave her two cents on the recent elections in Virginia. Stopping Socialism's Donald Kendal and Chris Talgo break down her insane comments in this episode of "Stopping Socialism."

  • AOC Proposes MORE Spending to Fight Inflation

    Published November 16, 2021
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    Our second-favorite socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, recently weighed in on the inflation debate, saying we need the government to spend MORE money to counteract inflation. In addition, she also gave her two cents on the recent elections in Virginia. Stopping Socialism's Donald Kendal and Chris Talgo break down her insane comments in this episode of "Stopping Socialism."

  • Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Their Battle to Save America’s Soul (Guest: Brian Kilmeade)

    Published November 9, 2021
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    Fox & Friends co-host and New York Times best selling author Brian Kilmeade joins the Heartland Daily Podcast to discuss his new book, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Their Battle to Save America's Soul.

    This is Kilmeade's third time on the Heartland podcast talking about his popular history books. Hosts Jim Lakely and Chris Talgo talk to Kilmeade about the relationship between Lincoln and Douglass, the development of their special friendship, the state of race relations in the 19th Century compared to today, the zealotry of abolitionist John Brown, the lack of proper history teaching in America's schools, the "calamity" of the assassination of President Lincoln, and what Douglass would have thought of the Black Lives Matter movement and riots in the summer of 2020.

  • Uncovering the Great Reset: Everything You Need to Know About Elites’ Radical Plan

    Published October 28, 2021
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    Justin Haskins, the co-director of the Stopping Socialism Center at The Heartland Institute, provides a virtual presentation about the Great Reset at the 14th International Conference on Climate Change, held from October 15-17. In the presentation, Haskins breaks down the most important parts of the Great Reset, who is behind it, and the key motivations behind the Reset.
  • China’s Alarming Afghanistan Power Grab

    Published September 30, 2021
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    In the wake of President Joe Biden's disastrous withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Afghanistan, China is making a troubling push to seize greater influence over the war-torn country. Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal explain in this episode of Stopping Socialism TV.


    To read The Hill article referenced in the video, go here: https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/572932-china-seeks-to-extend-critical-minerals-monopoly-with-help-of

    For more information about Justin, go here: https://heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/justin-haskins

    To see Donald's past work, go here: https://heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/donny-kendal

    For more great videos, visit the Stopping Socialism TV YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgZeFXOjOCNq7QMgTEKNgJQ

    To learn more about socialism, go to StoppingSocialism.com: https://stoppingsocialism.com/

  • Disturbing Great Reset Conversation Revealed. Your Life Is About to Change

    Published September 28, 2021
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    On Sept. 1, World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab interviewed Christine Lagarde, one of the leaders at the European Central Bank, which serves as the central bank for the 19 European nations that have adopted the euro. Both Schwab and Lagarde are two of the biggest supporters of the Great Reset movement. Their conversation, which touched on a number of important subjects, was nothing short of shocking. Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal break down the conversation in this episode of Stopping Socialism.

    To read more about the conversation between Lagarde and Schwab, go here: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/09/klaus-schwab-christine-lagarde-covid-19-climate-change-inequality

    For more information about Justin, go here: https://heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/justin-haskins

    To see Donald's past work, go here: https://heartland.org/about-us/who-we-are/donny-kendal

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