Legacy Climate Change Weekly
Peter Gleick Slammed for Attacks on Skeptics
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #34Global warming activist Peter Gleick is taking a beating for authoring a column in Forbes. -
Penn State Professor Launches Ethics Attack on Skeptics
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #33Pennsylvania State University Associate Professor of Environmental Ethics Donald Brown is accusing skeptics of “ethically abhorrent” behavior in the latest in a series of attack papers he is posting on the Penn State University -
Climate Change Predictions for 2012
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #32Out with the old and in with the new. Yet it is funny how the new has a tendency to look a lot like the old. Regardless, some things do change, and the year 2011 provided quite a few climate change wrinkles. -
Global Warming Benefiting Africa’s Sahel Region
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #31Global warming activists are sounding four-alarm fire bells over a new study claiming global warming is causing drought and killing trees in the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa. -
Durban Climate Talks Follow Predictable Path
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #30United Nations global climate talks in Durban, South Africa took a predictable path this week with the European Union and many Third World nations pushing for legally enforceable restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions while -
Climategate 2 Reveals More Destruction of Evidence, Scientific Flaws
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #29A little more than a week ago an anonymous source released more than 5,000 Climategate emails to supplement the initial batch of Climategate emails released two years ago. -
Leaked IPCC Report Downplays Extreme Weather Threats
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #28A leaked copy of a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on extreme weather reveals a lack of evidence that global warming is causing extreme weather events, BBC News reports. -
Temperatures Flat Despite Record Rise in Emissions
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #27The U.S. Department of Energy has just published its estimates of global carbon dioxide emissions for the year 2010, concluding emissions rose by 6 percent from 2009 to 2010. -
Muller Backtracks on Warming Claims
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #26Georgia Tech climate professor Judith Curry, coauthor with Richard Muller of the University of California, Berkeley temperature reconstruction that has been dominating global warming media attention for the past two weeks, has -
New Temperature Study Misses the Point
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #28The mainstream media has been spiking the football in the proverbial end zone ever since a paper released October 21 claimed two-thirds of global temperature stations show some warming occurred during the past century. -
Bombshell Book Documents IPCC Misconduct
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #24Journalist Donna Laframboise has published a new book, The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert: An Expose of the IPCC, that blows the lid off of misconduct within the United Nations -
Mosquitoes Not Listening to Gore
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #23Global warming is often predicted to cause a devastating increase in the range and frequency of malaria, but somebody forgot to tell the malarial mosquitoes. -
Gore Ignores Decline in Extreme Weather Fatalities
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #22Al Gore’s “24 Hours of Climate Reality” focused almost exclusively on extreme weather events. -
Alarmists ‘Find’ Conveniently Missing Heat
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #21A new paper produced by global warming alarmists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research claims the “missing heat” that is not building up in the Earth’s atmosphere is likely getting trapped deeply within the oceans. -
Gore Launches 24 Hours of Climate Deception
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #20On Wednesday evening Al Gore reminded Americans that nobody can annoy and alienate people through name-calling, condescension, misrepresentation of facts, and paranoid conspiracy theories quite like Al. -
The 98 Percent Consensus of Nothing
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #19During last week’s Republican presidential debate, Jon Huntsman doubled down on Al Gorism, claiming global warming skeptics are making “comments that fly in the face of what 98 out of 100 climate scientists have said. -
NIPCC Releases Interim Climate Report
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #18The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), already under severe criticism for violating the requirements of academic peer review and relying on secondary sources, comes under question again in a new -
Landmark Experiment Supports Cosmic Ray Theory
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #17Researchers at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland report new evidence supporting the theory that cosmic rays may be enhancing the sun’s impact on global temperatures and climate. -
Rasmussen Poll: Most Americans Say Climate Scientists Falsify Data
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #15A new Rasmussen poll shows 69 percent of Americans say it is at least somewhat likely that some scientists have falsified research data to support their own theories and beliefs, including 40 percent who say it is “very likely” -
NASA Data Show less Heat Trapped than Expected
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #14NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science